
In today’s digital world, marketing and promotion aren’t enough to sustain in this ever-changing tech world where many businesses get closed due to not analysing the market on time.That is where Digital Marketing KPIs play a vital role. They are like GPS for marketers and entrepreneurs showing the research-based right route to success in the digital world.

Let’s understand and explore what are the important things to be kept in mind in tracking your digital marketing KPI.

Digital Marketing KPIs

What is digital marketing KPI?

Digital marketing KPIs are the measurable values that help you understand the performance and effectiveness of your marketing efforts and strategies on various social media apps or channels.

They help in providing useful insights about your marketing campaigns like how well they are performing, where you need to improve them, how much traffic they are engaging, and whether you’re achieving your target goal or not.

Digital marketing KPIs include a wide range of metrics, including website traffic, conversion rates, social media engagement, email open rates, click-through rates, and more. Essentially they act as signposts that guide you on the right path to success throughout your digital marketing journey.

Why does tracking your KPIs matter?

Now that you have understood what are marketing KPIs, let’s understand why understanding and using them in your digital journey is important :

Measuring success: KPIs help you to track your progress and tell you whether you are following the right plan or not. They give a clear picture of your marketing performance and whether you are meeting your goals or not.

Data-inspired decision-making: KPIs help you to make informed decisions which are based on absolute research and observation. They provide valuable insights on vital decisions like where to allocate resources, which strategies to optimize, and which strategies to stop continuing.

Identifying areas for improvement: KPIs help you to identify areas of improvement and inefficiency. Due to this, you can understand what is working or not and then modify your strategies for better results.

Showing ROI: KPIs help you in proving your marketing efforts are worth it or not. They tell you whether your marketing campaigns or strategies are making or losing money. This also helps in convincing others that your marketing budget is well-spent.

Optimizing resources: KPIs allow you to identify the resources or strategies that are generating the best results. This insight helps you to use your resources more optimally, focusing on your time energy, and budget on strategies that deliver the maximum return on investment.

Improving campaign performance: By consistent monitoring and observation of KPIs, you can identify trends, patterns and areas of improvement in your marketing campaigns. This allows you to adjust your strategies as per the analysis made, making your strategies more effective for better performance and increasing the impact of your marketing efforts.

Digital Marketing KPIs

How to track KPIs?

It might be challenging to monitor digital marketing KPIs across several platforms. But it’s easy if you have the correct software. let’s see how to do it:

Link Up Your Channels:

Link all your marketing tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and Mailchimp to the dashboard.

This makes it simple to view and understand by collecting all of your data in one location.

Select the Reports You Want to Write:

Choose from a variety of pre-made report templates.

These templates allow you to track the things that are most important to you, ranging from social media to SEO.

Obtain Your Control Panel:

The difficult work is done for you by the software. It combines all of your essential data and generates a dashboard with all of your vital statistics.

Now you are capable of making informed decisions by monitoring the performance of your marketing in real time.

Digital marketing dashboards help you better understand your marketing, simplify reporting, and boost business growth.

What are the important digital marketing KPIs?

General marketing KPIs

These are the all-over metrics that show how well your marketing is working across all channels:

Website traffic: How many people visit and engage on your website.
Conversion rate: The % of people who take the initiative to engage like making a purchase.
Customer acquisition cost(CAC): What cost is desired to make a new customer.
Return on investment: How much money you’re earning vs how much money you are spending on marketing.


These are the metrics that tell you how well your website is working on Google SERP( Search engine results pages). They include:

Organic traffic: The number of visitors who find your website through search engines.
Keyword rankings: How well your website ranks for targeted or specific keywords.
Backlink quality: The number and quality of other websites linking to your website.
Bounce rate: The percentage or number of people who leave your website without clicking on anything.

Social Media KPIs

These metrics track how well your social media marketing is performing. They include:

Engagement: How many people are engaging with your social media posts like how many people like, share and comment on the post.
Follower growth: How fast your audience or followers are growing on Instagram
Reach: How many people see your social media posts.
Click-through rate(CTR): The percentage or number of people who click on your link on social media posts.


These metrics measure the effectiveness of your paid advertising campaigns. They include

Clicks: How many times people click on your ads.
Impressions: How many times your ads are shown.
Conversion rate: The % of people who take the desired initiative after seeing your ad.
Cost Per Click: It’s the amount you pay for each click on your ad.

Email Marketing KPIs

These metrics help you to track the performance of your email marketing campaigns. They include:

Open rate: The percentage of people who open your emails.
Click-through rate(CTR): The % of people who click on the link given in your email.
Conversion rate: The % of people who take the desired action after clicking the link in the email.
Unsubscribe rate: How many people unsubscribe from your email.

What not to track in digital marketing

Understanding what not to track can help you in using your time, energy and resources productively. This helps you to redefine your marketing strategy and allows you to focus on what matters.

Numbers that don’t mean much

Likes and shares: They are good but they don’t lead to sales.
Follower count: Having a lot of followers doesn’t mean you have a lot of business.

Things that don’t help your goals

Website hits: Just people coming on your website is not enough if they are not taking the desired action and real engagement.Page views: How many pages people click doesn’t always show.

Numbers that count

Clicks: They are important, but only if they lead to something meaningful like sales.
Time on page: It is useful, but only if you understand what people are looking for on that page.

Too Many Details

Every Social Media Metric: Tracking everything on social media can be overwhelming.
Deep Detailed Conversions: Sometimes, tracking every little thing on your website can be too much.


In the field of digital marketing, knowing what functions well and what doesn’t is vital. We now know that monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allows us to measure the effectiveness of our marketing initiatives. These measures, which range from generic marketing analytics to specialized ones like SEO, social media, PPC, and email marketing, tell us if we’re headed in the correct direction.

However, it doesn’t end there. We can gather all of our useful information into one location and view it in an understandable, straightforward manner with the help of digital marketing dashboard software. This helps us make rapid judgments and saves time so that we can continue with our marketing.

Let’s keep this in mind as we close up: monitoring KPIs is similar to having a compass in the digital world—it directs us, assists us in making wise decisions, and helps us succeed. Together, let’s continue to monitor, grow, and learn in our digital marketing journey.