In the modern world, everything is a competition and for the digital marketing business to succeed, the website needs to be SEO optimized. Although on-page and link building have an important role, technical SEO guarantees that all the necessary settings are properly arranged to improve the Website’s performance. It therefore becomes easier to use technical SEO tools to locate and even correct habits that may impair siti’s operation. To get a basic understanding of technical SEO or to fully implement technical SEO tools, here are some of the most important aspects SEM RANK DIGITAL will touch on the process.



What is Technical SEO?


Technical SEO is the process of enhancing the website structure so that search engines easily crawl and index your site. The following elements are usually involved, more so, site speed, mobile-friendliness, use of secure connections, and structured data. In other words, a technically correct web design results in a better and more efficient user experience as well as more favorable positioning in the search engine.


Essential Technical SEO Tools


There are some tools that can help in the technical aspects of SEO some of these tools include: Here are some of the most essential ones:Here are some of the most essential ones:


  1. Google Search Console
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  4. GTmetrix
  5. Google PageSpeed Insights
  6. Ahrefs
  7. SEMrush
  8. Moz Pro



How to Use Technical SEO Tools


1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is service offered for free by Google through which you can track and address the presence of your site in Google search.


Key Features:


  • Performance Reports: Critic another sites that are related to your site and see they are ranking better than you.
  • Index Coverage: Seach for indexing problems and solve them.
  • URL Inspection: Although, it is possible to directly check the indexed status of particular pages.
  • Sitemaps: To eventually improve the indexing of your site, you can also submit the sitemap.


How to Use Google Search Console:


  1. Set Up and Verify Your Site:
  • Perform a journey to Google search console.
  • You can add your site and confirm its ownership through the other methods like uploading an HTML file, adding a specific record in DNS, using Google Analytics and others.


  1. Submit Your Sitemap:
  • Go to the “Sitemaps” area.
  • Your sitemap URL, for instance, could be yoursite. com/sitemap. xml; input the same and click submit.


  1. Monitor Performance:


  • Head to “Performance history” to view the performance of your site in the search results.
  • Looking at click through rate, number of impression, average click through rate as well as average position.


  1. Fix Indexing Issues:
  • Review the “Coverage” report to know what pages were not indexed by Google.
  • Fix problems that are commonly found in a website such as 404 not found, server errors and those that deal with redirection.


  1. URL Inspection:
  • As for index status, it is recommended to use the URL inspection tool to check the index status of certain web pages and, if necessary, request re-indexing.



2. Google Analytics


Google Analytics offers information on the traffic your website is acquiring and the actions your users are taking on that website.


Key Features:


  • Audience Reports: This is important because you need to learn as much about the target group as you can such as; the age, gender, marital status, location, interests and even their purchasing patterns.
  • Acquisition Reports: Know your sources (organic, direct ones, and etc).
  • Behavior Reports: Understand the experience of a user on your website.
  • Conversion Tracking: Track the goals and the conversions achieved.


How to Use Google Analytics:


  1. Set Up and Integrate with Your Site:


  • This shall be achieved by signing up at Google Analytics.
  • Create a property for your site and get the tracking code.
  • Place the tracking code to the header of your site.


  1. Analyze Audience Reports:


  • Check the “Audience” tab to learn more about your visitors’ age, gender, interests, and activity.


  1. Monitor Traffic Sources:


  • What you need to do is look at the specific Acquisition reports in order to find out the sources through which visitors are accessing your website.


  1. Set Up and Integrate with Your Site:


  • The “Behavior” reports will be useful to determine users’ flow through the site, which pages have been visited or for how long.


  1. Track Conversions:


  • In the ‘H’ shaped structure, target ‘Conversions’ as actions such as form submissions, purchases or sign-ups, among others.



3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider


It is a website crawler that is used to inspect your sites for typical SEO concerns with Screaming Frog SEO Spider.


Key Features:


  • Crawl Analysis: Checking for the Errors: Here you should be able to determine whether there are broken links, duplicate content and such.
  • URL Inspection: Explore the use of metadata, headers as well as images.
  • XML Sitemap Generation: This should be done to enable better indexing through XML sitemaps creation.
  • Custom Extraction: Mining of your site to acquire limited information 
How to Use Screaming Frog SEO Spider:


  1. Download and Install:

  • Obtain from the Screaming Frog website.
  • In order to use the tool, download it and run on your computer in order to have the tool opened.

  1. Crawl Your Website:

  • Type in the website address in the search bar and then click on start.
  • Let the crawl run to completion.

  1. Analyze Crawl Data:

  • Check the results for such problems as the presence of the broken links, missing or 4. duplicated meta descriptions.
  • Unfortunately, the URL will show a 404 error To see such error and redirects, check the “Response Codes” tab.

  1. Generate XML Sitemaps:

  • You can produce a sitemap through “Sitemaps” > “XML Sitemap”.
  • Modify the options and then click on the button to save the prepared sitemap file.

  1. Export Data:

  • Write the results of the crawl to a CSV file to perform further analysis


technical SEO tools

4. Google PageSpeed Insights


Google Page Speed Insight basically works to calculate the speed of your site and suggest improvements on the same.


Key Features:


  • Performance Scores: This will give the scores for the mobile and the desktop based on the performance results obtained.
  • Diagnostics: Highlight the corresponding technological information.


How to Use Google PageSpeed Insights:


  1. Run a Performance Test:

  • Go to Google page speed insights.
  • Type in the Website URL and click on Analyze.


  1. Review Performance Scores:

  • To do so, check the scores of the mobile as well as versions of the website.
  • Ideally, the score should be above 90% of what is required.


  1. Implement Recommendations:

  • Follow the “Opportunities” and “Diagnostics” suggestions as a way of boosting performance.
  • Some recommendations that can be frequently recorded are image size optimization, allowed image compression, and reduced server timeout values.

technical SEO tools




5. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is an SEO toolkit which contains information on backlinks, keywords, and other aspects of web-sites.


Key Features:


  • Site Explorer: Auditing of your website backlinks & SEO traffic.
  • Content Explorer: Find out the most popular content for your category.
  • Keywords Explorer: Keyword research as well as ranking monitoring.
  • Site Audit: Understand the most basic thing, namely, SEO issues that can interfere with technical aspects on your site.


How to Use Ahrefs:


  1. Run a Performance Test


  • Open the ‘Site Explorer’ tab.
  • Type in your website URL into the text box and click on the magnifying glass ‘Search’.
  • Analyze the backlinks, such as domains, the text used as links, and the lost connections.


  1. Conduct Keyword Research


  • To identify relevant keywords for the content, one can use the “Keywords Explorer”.
  • A breakdown of the keyword difficulty, the number of searches per month and the traffic level.


  1. Perform a Site Audit:


  • Go to the subheading “Site Audit”.
  • Create a new project and input the web address of your site.
  • Analyse the outcomes of the audit check for such problems as broken links, duplicated content and pages with slow loading speeds.


  1. Track Keyword Rankings:


  • It is also important to set the rank tracking so that you can track your results over the particular keyword rankings.
  • You should, therefore, look at these trends and alter your SEO approach dependant on the observations that you make.

technical SEO tools


6. SEMrush


Getting data about any web site that you are using or planning to use for your business, keyword research, analysis of your competitors and audits of websites that are involved in the SEO process.


Key Features:



  • Site Audit: There are two categories of issues that need to be evaluated and resolved: the technical ones.
  • Keyword Magic Tool: Find fresh keywords for your business.
  • Position Tracking: Check the ranking of your keywords.
  • Backlink Analysis: Looking at both your backlink and your competitor’s activity.


How to Use SEMrush:


  1. Perform a Site Audit:


  • Navigate to the second tab labeled, “Site Audit.”
  • Create a new project and insert your web site address.
  • While implementing the audit, go through the results and rectify the reported concerns.


  1. Conduct Keyword Research:


  • Select the “Keyword Magic Tool” for identification of the keywords.
  • Research KSIs, KDIs, the volume of search queries, and SERP features.


  1. Track Keyword Positions:


  • To generate the position tracking data, go to position tracking.
  • Create a tracking project and insert the keywords you are interested in into the appropriate field.
  • Track your rankings and observe shift in the rankings.


  1. Analyze Competitors:


  • Apply the “Domain Overview” tool to assess the websites of your competitors.
  • Check their most frequently used keywords, backlinks, and traffics / visitors sources.


technical SEO tool


7. Moz Pro


Moz Pro is an efficient SEO kit that assists with keyword analysis, web crawling, and ranking.


Key Features:


  • Site Crawl: Even the most comprehensive keyword research can be played out technical issues with website’s SEO.
  • Keyword Explorer: Identification of the keywords and their examination.
  • Rank Tracking: Some of the things that you need to do in SEO are;


How to Use Moz:


  1. Perform a Site Crawl:


  • Now go to “Site Crawl” tab.
  • Go to the campaign management homepage and create a new campaign specifying your website URL.
  • Check the crawl report to find problems such as broken links, duplication content, and the failure of meta tags.


  1. Conduct Keyword Research:


  • To search and evaluate keywords go to the “Keyword Explorer”.
  • Keyword difficulty of each keyword must also be analyzed along with the search volume and the organic CTR.


  1. Track Keyword Rankings:


  • Go to “Rank Tracker”.
  • Start creating a tracking campaign to which you will add your specific keywords.
  • It just tracks the position and studies shifts over the time period.


  1. Analyze Backlinks:


  • Check your backlink profile using the “Link Explorer”.
  • Pinpoint new backlinks and expired ones, and find out the referring domains’ trust rank.




Technical SEO is an essential feature of the process of enhancing websites for better perception by the search engine and easy usability.Some of the most efficient software for technical SEO include Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Screaming Frog, GTmetrix, Google PageSpeed Insights, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz Pro, DeepCrawl, and Yoast SEO. Include these tools into your SEO plans to make your website ready for the success.

Our services at Device Doctor India are mainly concentrated in marketing your business and web development so that your website is entirely optimized. You can contact us today to get detailed information on how we can assist to achieve your SEO target.