For any company that targets to expand their sales in the online marketplace within today’s highly technological world, having the ability to list products on Amazon, eBay and Flipkart, among other e-commerce giants, is highly beneficial. For first-time and experienced sellers, learning more about each of the platforms differs you from other sellers. You will find the complete guide to listing your products properly on these sites and also learn about the possibility to use professional services offered by the top product listing services, such as Device Doctor India.


Why Is Product Listing Important?

Product listing is not as simple as uploading photos and writing captions for the products. It is all about increasing the visibility of your products so that customers will be attracted towards your products. When targeting over millions of products on Amazon, eBay, or Flipkart, it’s pivotal to focus on the right listing approach. The most favorable product listing service will guarantee the products to be placed at the top of the search engine results in order to have more chances of conversion.

 product listing services

Understanding Product Listing on Amazon, eBay, and Flipkart


They all have their specific rules and the way of promoting a product and making it noticeable on the site. Here’s a brief overview of what sets them apart:


  • Amazon: Amazon targets quality content, keywords and customer reviews and is also one of the biggest online marketing companies with a huge customer base.

  • eBay: It is most commonly use to sell goods through auctions, although buyers can also sell goods at set and fixed prices. One particularly noteworthy aspect here is that those who are to populate the classified ads should pay special attention to the two critical aspects, namely, the question of pricing and the necessity to provide thorough descriptions of the products or services being offered.

  • Flipkart: One of the largest online shopping websites based in India, Flipkart gives importance to regional selection, images of the products, and detailed descriptions for products for sale online.

 product listing services


Step-by-Step Guide to Listing Products on Amazon


Amazon is one of the biggest marketplaces for e-commerce and there are certain guidelines that sellers need to follow to provide their products in front of buyers.


1. Create a Seller Account

  • Step 1: Go to the Amazon Seller Central Website.
  • Step 2: It is possible to choose an individual or professional selling account, in accordance with the expected amount of transactions.
  • Step 3: Complete the registration of your organization by entering your name, address, phone number, email and a delimited list of your bank account details for payments.


2. Set Up Product Listings

  • Step 1: Log in to your seller account and click on the ‘Selling online’ tab and then on to ‘Add a Product.’
  • Step 2: Locate the category of the product you wish to sell in the Amazon catalog. In case it is not available, one should always prepare a new product listing.
  • Step 3 At this stage, you will also include every other detail, such as the title of the product, the description, the chief features, the price, and the stock to be available.


3. Optimize Product Information

  • Title: This one includes relevant keywords in the title but the title count should not exceed 200 characters.
  • Bullet Points: Emphasize the main selling points and quickly point out its strengths.
  • Description: Select appropriate text to advertise rich features of the product, its utilization, and its impact on the users’ lives.
  • Images: Provide numerous images of the product with the images in high resolution to show the various aspects of the product.


4. Set competitive pricing

Make sure that they can be compared to similar products that are on the market to avoid setting high prices. That is why Amazon offers a pricing tool that can assist sellers in controlling the prices.

5. Submit for Approval

After the listing has been completed, click submit for approval. Because once you get the approval, your product will be up and running on the Amazon platform.
 product listing services

Step-by-Step Guide to Listing Products on eBay

eBay provides the best opportunity for attracting buyers and sellers by the combination of auctions and numbered offers. Here’s how to get started:

1. Create an eBay Seller Account

  • Step 1: Go to the eBay Seller Hub and create a seller account.
  • Step 2: Select a selling plan that is applicable to the chosen business model.
  • Step 3: Provide your business details, payment methods and shipping preferences.


2. Prepare Your Product Details

  • Step 1: Go to the upper part of the page, hover the mouse over the ‘Sell’ button and click on it.
  • Step 2: Your product details, like the title, category, and condition of the product, go in as well.
  • Step 3: Write a comprehensive product description in the guideline of four components, namely, features and specifications.


3. Optimize Your Listing

  • Keywords: Include proper keywords so as to increase the website’s visibility through the search engine of the eBay website.
  • Images: Upload clear pictures of food items that have no surprises in the background.
  • Pricing: Choose if you want your product to have a firm price or if it allows you to offer a product for a bid.


4. Choose Shipping Options

It also enables the sellers to select from diverse methods of delivery. Choose one that is cheap to execute and is timely in delivery of the results.


5. Launch Your Listing

Once everything has been done and set, you can use the “List Item” button to make your product appear on eBay.

 product listing services

Step-by-Step Guide to Listing Products on Flipkart


Flipkart is currently the biggest marketplace in India; therefore, it is suitable for any seller who wants to sell his/her products to Indian consumers.


1. Register as a Flipkart Seller

  • Step 1: Go to ‘Flipkart Seller Hub’ and create an account by filling in the required business information.
  • Step 2: Fill in the details, such as the GST number and bank account details, including the pickup address.
  • Step 3: Go to the next level in the authorization process to activate a seller account.


2. Add Products to Your Catalog

  • Step 1: First, alight on the section called ‘Seller Dashboard’ and then click on ‘Add New Listings’.
  • Step 2: When on Angel List, decide on the right set of product categories and subcategories.
  • Step 3: Complete all fields where it is necessary to specify the product’s title, description, images and price.


3. Optimize Your Product Listing

  • Title: Applying the keywords that the customers can easily search for.
  • Description: Describe the product to include some of the beneficial elements of the product that will make the consumer inclined towards it.
  • Images: Take proper pictures of the product from different angles and post them on the online platform.


4. Set Pricing and Inventory

Strategize on the most suitable prices to charge and review the stock status to ensure that the firm does not run out of stock.


5. Submit for Approval

Go to the market place and propose your product listing. Once you have receive approval from the Flipkart team, your product will be list on Flipkart.


Why Choose Device Doctor India for Product Listing Services?

Selling items on Amazon, eBay or Flipkart appears easy at first, but the process is full of detail, and one needs to know how each of the platforms works. As a leading product listing service provider, Device Doctor India goes even further to the extent of guaranteeing that all your products are listed and optimized so as to get the needed visibility and sale.


1. Expertise in Product Listing

Device Doctor India is the leading company, specializing in providing Amazon product listing services and having much experience in handling and improving product listings of various categories.


2. Customized Solutions

Being the leading product listing company, Device Doctor India embraces the business requirements individually and guarantees that all the elements of the product listing reflect the purpose of the enterprise and sales objectives.


3. SEO Optimization

We are aware of the need for varying products’s SEO. Our product listing service company also aims at keyword optimization of every listing, improving the title, description and image of the product on every channel.


4. Efficient Management

It automates all the aspects of your product listing, including their creation and subsequent optimization, thus eliminating unnecessary work.


5. Competitive Advantage

When you work with the most reputable digital marketing agency, such as Device Doctor India, it becomes easier to employ better techniques in beating rivals and selling products.


Best Practices for Product Listings


  1. Use Relevant Keywords: Special emphasis should be laid on product titles and descriptions where the keywords should be place intentionally.
  2. High-Quality Images: Adopt quality product photos to appeal to the customers visually.
  3. Clear and concise descriptions: Include basic information on the firm, such as its name, logo, address, contact details, and website, but ensure that the information provided goes straight to the key points of the firm’s services, such as the features and benefits.
  4. Customer Reviews: This will help increase the number of customers leaving their reviews, hence increasing credibility on the product.
  5. Regular Updates: Ensure that your listings are always update as to minimize errors of misplace stocks, wrong prices, etc.


How Device Doctor India Helps You Stay Ahead


The best marketing company Device Doctor India is a professional web service provider organization that offers the best plans for businesses to increase their online exposure. For a catchy Amazon auction, Flipkart auctions, and eBay auctions, we shall help provide the appropriate listing that would attract more clicks and, in consequence, sales.




Selling products on Amazon, eBay, and Flipkart is a complex process that can be a push process, popular among companies to reach out directly to customers, but selling on these sites involves a step-by-step approach to ensure that they are seen and bought. Although you can undertake the product listing yourself, getting the services of a renowned product listing service such as Device Doctor India will be very beneficial in enhancing your chances of success. At the best product listing company, our team of specialists is ready to help you master the sites easily so that your products are seen by buyers along with others.

If you are prepared for the next level of your position online business, this is the time to associate with Device Doctor India, the leading SEO company providing prime product listing services according to the requirement. Let us support your objectives in sales and make your presence felt in the cutthroat global market of internet selling.




Q-1 What are the benefits of using a professional product listing service?

Ans- Product listing on a professional product listing service such as Device Doctor India guarantees our products are listed with the right keywords, high-quality images, and clear product descriptions, which help attract the right target traffic and subsequently place a large sale volume. Besides, it assists in saving your time and energy while at the same time boosting the visibility of your product on sites such as Amazon, eBay and Flipkart.

Q-2 How can I improve the visibility of my product listings on Amazon?

Ans- To optimize visibility on Amazon, the strategies important to consider are making appropriate use of titles containing relevant keywords, putting a proper description of the product, including the title in a simple and comprehensive manner, including high resolution images of the products, setting up an appropriate price and last but not least, promoting the product by encouraging customers to write its review. This also has the potential to improve your product listings and Amazon can also connect you with an experienced product listing provider, which is Device Doctor India.

Q-3 What information is required to list a product on Flipkart?

Ans- Here are the requirements for listing a product on Flipkart: Account type of the seller should be a registered account; product specifications such as title, description, category of the product, clear and quality images of the product; product price; and the stock limit available. Selling through Flipkart also needs the seller to provide a GST number, bank details and pickup address during seller registration.

Q-4 How does Device Doctor India ensure my products rank higher in search results?

Ans- Using keyword optimization, analyzing the competitors’ prices, and frequent updates, Device Doctor India helps to rank up the products. Being a product listing provider, we guarantee that every image or description in your product listing is align with the algorithms use in the platform.

Q-5 Can Device Doctor India help with product listings on multiple platforms simultaneously?

Ans- Yes, Device Doctor India provides product listing services for single or multiple platforms like, Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, etc. Credited with developing the right consistent and optimized product listings that fit each marketplace, our team ensures your products target the right market in every marketplace we deal with.