Today LinkedIn is a popular platform among professionals and businesses who want to create a solid presence online, connect with like-minded people and attract opportunities. Since there are more than 9 hundred million users of LinkedIn in the world today, it becomes very important for one to seek ways of improving the profile by making it appealing and unique. Whether you want to find new employment, clients or just broaden your list of contacts, an enhanced LinkedIn profile will be useful in this process. As the leading digital marketing firm in Device Doctor India, we also assist people who have LinkedIn profile marketing pages to get the best services.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

1. Choose a Professional Profile Picture

A LinkedIn profile picture is the first thing most people see and it has to be perfect. Having a professional picture in high quality and a clear image certainly increases your profile views tremendously. Studies have also added that the probability of getting a view to the picture posted is thirty-six times and has a thirty-one times higher chance of getting a message if the profile has a picture. Make sure you use the latest picture and you are well-dressed in accordance with your profession. In the image, it is recommended that much of your face be captured and it is ideal if you are smiling but not too casually.

We explain to the clients of Device Doctor India that visual branding is crucial for LinkedIn profile optimization. We assist them to choose images that depict them well but also serve to fit the kind of career they are in.


2. Craft a compelling Headline

Your LinkedIn headline is not a job title; it contains your potential narrative and the propositions you bring to the table. Here, it will not be bad that you spend a little more time than you normally would when you are presenting your stand, then spend more time highlighting your capabilities, which will be useful to your potential employers or clients. For instance, instead of using a conventional headline like “Marketing Manager at ABC Company,” use something such as “Passionate in assisting brands achieve their marketing goals through digital and data-driven solutions | SEO and Content Specialist.” While using this format, you make your profile more discoverable and also spark people’s interest.

Another benefit that comes with the use of keywords in the headline is that the headlines will improve your search results in LinkedIn searches. This is especially the case with Device Doctor India, as we make certain your headline includes keywords that can help potential contacts locate you easily.


3. Write a powerful summary.

Interestingly, it is your summary that is among the most important sections of your LinkedIn profile. It is your personal brand—you are a product that needs to be marketed and advertised to potential employers in thirty seconds. That is why a good summary should capture who you are and the process you have been through. Some of the things to include are your past achievements, specialization and the type of job you would wish to secure in the future.

Again, when Creative Head uses his or her keywords naturally in the summary section of the profile, then it’s important to ensure that the LinkedIn profile optimization keywords are also included. For instance, if you focus on services related to LinkedIn marketing, offering details of how you managed to assist companies and individuals enhance their LinkedIn profiles. So, when making a strong summary, do not forget that it will also most likely be helpful in letting the given audience that visits your profile find you relevant as well.

At Device Doctor India, we offer professional career objective writing services for creating professional and appealing summaries that suit a professional’s personality as well as the employer’s expectations.


4. Customize Your LinkedIn URL

The use of your LinkedIn account number as your profile name makes your overall profile look more professional and it also helps in ranking in the search engines. LinkedIn offers an automatically generated web address to your profile and it usually consists of acronyms of numbers or characters. You can modify this URL by adding your name or your brand, which will make it easier for people to remember the address bar.

For instance, instead of using a URL, you can opt to use https:// in / johndoe. This change is a simple way of transforming your LinkedIn account and improving the online presence.


5. Optimize Your Experience Section

Your experience section is a part of your CV where you present your career path. But it doesn’t stop here—job titles and roles should be mention. To get the most of it, one should consider dwelling on achievements and results that have been achieved in each position. Always state the achievement in a definitive manner and, in as far as practicable, include the figures such as percentages and dollar values or tangible results.

For instance, while some may write “maintained social media handles,” you can now write “generated 30% enhanced public participation on the social media pages through carrying out special promotion events as well as creation of implementable and contentious contents.” Lastly, the use of keywords within the descriptions of the job posts should also be observed. This does not only make you look for an attractive profile but also increases its chance of being selected when searching for something.

In Device Doctor India, we have a great deal of experience helping clients to develop and design impressive experience sections that would promote value and competency.

6. Incorporate keywords throughout Your Profile

There is agreement that the keywords used when selecting candidates for a profile have a great positive correlation with LinkedIn’s search engine. Yet, to optimize your visibility in terms of relevant searches, you should enter the key phrases in the corresponding fields of your profile. Initially, you should look at general terms within your given field or occupation and make sure that they are incorporate into your headline, summary and job descriptions.

If you are interested in LinkedIn marketing, there is a simple option to manage your keyword and improve your ranking through Device Doctor India, the best LinkedIn marketing firm.


7. Showcase Your Skills and Endorsements

Skills are very important in the way you present yourself in the LinkedIn profile. A maximum of 50 skills may be input, but then it is wiser to choose those that will best depict your capability. After you have posted your skills, invite other colleagues, clients, or other people in your industry to recommend you for those skills. The more endorsements one’s profile receives, the more appealing his/her profile looks to a prospective employer or client.

Not only is it possible to endorse others, but a feature of LinkedIn is that it allows recommendations to be display. Testimonials from the former managers, colleagues or clients can be use as actual recommendations, which increase your credibility and make you more desirable to potential business partners.

According to Device Doctor India, it is possible to highlight the registration of the skills that cast a vision of the intended career path and the specific skills that have high chances of being sought by the employer. This will make your profile more searchable and thus increase the visibility of your specific account.


8. Add Rich Media to Highlight Your Achievements

You can always post media, which include documents, images, presentations, and even videos on your LinkedIn profile. This is an excellent opportunity to present something you’ve done; it can be a project that you have done, a portfolio, or a presentation. Enriching one’s profile with videos, images, graphics, etc. can make the profile an exciting watch and offer the viewers a better glimpse of your skills and competency.

For instance, if you are in the field of digital marketing, then it would be wise to post case studies, info graphics or campaign outcomes and successes. We have most of the informative and attractive qualities. that enable you to make your profile more attractive with the media, and the interaction of the users will be more engaged.

We at Device Doctor India assist the clients to include the rich media elements in the profiles to increase popularity among the users.


9. Engage with Content Regularly

Your profile needs posts and shares on LinkedIn to actually thrive and grow. It means that, by regularly boosting, sharing materials, and commenting on other people’s contributions, it is possible to achieve a much higher profile awareness. LinkedIn is advantageous to active users where their profiles, especially those frequently update, are value and given preference in the search engines and the news feed.

When planning your posts, use material associated with your line of business, such as articles, your opinions or experiences, or inspirational stories about your business’s success. Further, activity such as liking others’ posts or commenting and sharing their posts can also be very useful in creating awareness and expanding the network. This is the reason why at Device Doctor India, we always advise our clients on the best way they can engage in LinkedIn marketing, which entails posting on the platform more frequently to increase the visibility of the content.


10. Join relevant LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups offer a useful environment where individuals can exchange experience, ideas and information based on certain topics. Well, by being part of the groups that you find interesting and are related to your career, you are not only getting to know more people but also making yourself more visible on that platform. Contribute to the group discussions in whichever way you want—commenting, posing a question or sharing knowledge. That way, not only will people be getting to know and see you more, but you will be cementing yourself as an authority in that field as well.

For instance, if you are in the digital marketing field, getting to engage in groups that deal with marketing trends, SEO or social media marketing will grant you access to new people and opportunities. We at Device Doctor India advise clients on which LinkedIn groups they can apply to become members to improve the visibility of your profile.


Why Choose Device Doctor India for LinkedIn Marketing?

Linkedin marketing and optimization of profiles at Device Doctor India is something that we do best. Being the premier LinkedIn marketing firm, we provide customized features that make your page easily searchable and eye-catching to your clients. We are focus on personal branding, content planning and networking, which will assist in accomplishing your LinkedIn targets, whether you need more clients or a new job.

This means we have perfect knowledge of LinkedIn signals and how best to position profiles to fit the LinkedIn radar. Through proper keyword relevancy, creating exciting content, and media and endorsement, we assist professionals of different fields in enhancing their profile on the LinkedIn platform.



Your LinkedIn profile needs to stand out with all the changes taking place in social media. There are 10 tips to extend your relevant visibility and increase the flow of opportunities that you would like to come your way. All the elements that can be modified on LinkedIn matter in terms of optimization, whether it is the URL, the experience section or the content.

While at Device Doctor India, we aim at assisting people to fully exploit the social tool known as LinkedIn. As professional LinkedIn profile optimization and LinkedIn marketing service providers, your profile will receive all the visibility it needs. Want to advance to the next level in your LinkedIn presence strategy? Connect with Device Doctor India today and get the best advice on how to move to the LinkedIn social platform.



Q-1: How long does it take to see results from LinkedIn profile optimization?
Ans: As a general rule, it’s possible to get a sense of improvement in profile views and connection requests in shorter periods of two to three weeks after the optimizations.

Q-2: What type of content should I share on LinkedIn?
Ans: Post articles related to your industry, your achievements, projects you have done successfully, ideas, etc. to bring your target audience into interaction.

Q-3: Can Device Doctor India help with LinkedIn content strategy?
Ans: Yes, we do offer LinkedIn content services, which include post-creation writing of articles and other engagement methods in India at Device Doctor India.