
In such an environment of a constantly changing outsourcing market, it is critical for the supplier to have an appealing and professional website that will attract a prospect’s attention and assure him of the supplier’s professionalism. Hence, The case of Menal Partners for outsourcing services for small and midsize organizations in USA provided them with the understanding of having comprehensive and easy to use website. To design its site, they contacted Device Doctor India, which is one of the leading web development companies, in order to create one that would convey their mission statement as well as catch the attention of their desired clientele.


Client Overview


Client Name: Menal Partners
Industry: Outsourcing and Value Arbitrage
Specialization: Providing outsourcing benefits to small and midsize companies


About Menal Partners

Menal Partners was establish in order to transfer the concept of value arbitrage with small and midsize organisations in the US that have not been consider in the outsourcing system. The vision that they bring to these companies is to bring to these companies all the benefits that come with economies of scale that usually come with big business corporations.

Throughout their combined career, Menal Partners’ executives have over 30 years of experience in domestic operations, outsourcing, and vendor networks necessary to take their clients’ ventures to a new level. They work with a network of more than 50 small and midsize companies; each of them has a relevant experience in dealing with the US and European clients. Menal Partners is well positione to offer great value to the corporations based on its local knowledge of both the United States and India markets.


Client Initial Request


Incorporated in 2007, Menal Partners contacted Device Doctor India with a set of specifc needs for its new web site. They needed a site that was:


  1. Good Looking and Responsive: That is why the layout of the website has to be beautiful to look at, and responsive to all forms of devices.
  2. Light Color Scheme: They saw incorporation of a possibility of the exclusion of dark colors a desire, and so only chose between white and light colors to achieve a professional look.
  3. Specific Pages: Hence, The intended pages of the website are: Why Menal Partners, Its Features, Create Your Team, Knowledge Base, and Company.
  4. Case Study Section: There should be a section devoted on case studies in the homepage.Web development for B2B services

Device Doctor India’s Suggestions


Upon understanding Menal Partners‘ needs, Device Doctor India proposed a comprehensive approach to ensure the final product would not only meet but exceed expectations:


  1. User-Centric Design: Focusing on the clean look for the interface and minimalistic design which should assist in improving the user experience and navigation.


  1. SEO Optimization: Optimizing the website for search engines, using hits and keywords so that it could be easily found in a search engine result list and attract more free trafic.


  1. Content Creation: Creating content to be used on each segment of their website, such as slogans and main recommendations on the website’s main page, and short and long information about and their company and services in the About Us page.


  1. Rapid Development: Maximizing their corporate advantages, skills and experience to ensure that they delivered on the given project effectively.


  1. Visual Enhancements: Adding images and videos are other related features that could be incorporated in the website, because they improve the beauty of the website.


  1. Social Proof: As part of the redesign, maintaining a separate page of other people’s success stories that used the firm’s services as evidence of effectiveness.


  1. Call-to-Action (CTA) Optimization: Seamless integration of CTAs on the website to point the visitors in the direction of manages actions.


  1. Analytics Integration: Proposing the adoption of the analytics tool to help in the monitoring of website performance and customers’ activity.

Web development for B2B services

Development Process


The development of the Menal Partners website was an intensive, collaborative process involving several stages. Device Doctor India employed a systematic approach to ensure every aspect of the project was handle with precision and care.


Stage 1: Initial Consultation and Planning


The project started by involving an Interview with the Experts of Device Doctor India and during the interview, consultation was made with Menal Partners. It would be essential to identify the client, his brand, and target clients and customers as well as get specific on the specifics that the MC will be solving. Key points discussed included:


  • Brand Identity: Owning to the nature of Menal Partner’s products, it is crucial to grasp specific characteristics of their brand and effective ways of presenting them on the website.
  • Target Audience: Defining the target audience of the website, which was included potential clients who would want to outsource a solution.
  • Functional Requirements: Understanding of Specific B2B Components That Defines the Systems and Their Basic Requirement Features and Functions.

As a result of the above discussions, Device Doctor India came up with a clear project plan of the design phase and content creation, development phase and testing phase.


Stage 2: Design Phase


Thus, having a clear vision of what the client wants, the design team of Device Doctor India started working on the wireframes and mockups. The objective was to come up with elegant and user-friendly structure that would suit Menal Partners’ clients’ preferences.


  • Homepage Design: The home page look more like a corporate introduction to the company and was establish to be professional looking and strategically light colore The design of the homepage also include a case study part so that the successful stories could be share.
  • Why Menal Partners Page: This page’s purpose was to explain the features that the user would be interest in while implementing the Menal Partners, the text and visuals are meant to attract the client’s attention.
  • How It Works Page: The design of this page was dubbed to give this potential client a clear and step by step guide of how outsourcing works.
  • Build Your Team Page: Due to the nature of the provided information, this page aimed at presenting the various outsourcing opportunities, and navigation is not a problem because of the clean design.
  • Learn Page: Organize as a part of this web page, it covered the purposes of outsourcing and other relevant educational content to be succeed by the potential attendees.
  • About Us Page: About the concept: As for the About Us web page, one of the key ideas was to tell the company’s story by using both text and images to specify the mission, values and experience.
Stage 3: Content Creation


Along with the design side, the content department at Device Doctor India wrote the website content of the highest quality for each segment. It was aim at being entertaining, informative and relevant to the brand’s identity and personality.


  • Homepage Content: The content on the home page was brief, but intense: the company was presenting its best profile to the visitors while encouraging them to dive deeper into the site.
  • Why Menal Partners Content: Hence, This section descried what specific advantages clients will receive should they embark on doing business with Menal Partners, the primary goal of which is to persuade targets into getting the company’s services.
  • How It Works Content: An article with a use of simple language to explain to the reader how outsourcing works and in plain steps.
  • Build Your Team Content: Outsourcing is, therefore, presented in comprehensive descriptions that define the available outsourcing options that will suit the client.
  • Learn Content: Hence, Useful materials on the topic of outsourcing, design to create value for the clients and signal that Menal Partners is well-inform on the issue.
  • About Us Content: A social proof element, which seeks to tell a company’s story, top principles, and achievements in an attempt to create reliability.
Stage 4: Development Phase


After getting the structure of the website and material for its content selected, development team at Device Doctor India made website a reality. They made the necessary improvements on the site following the existing high technologies and general tendencies in the Internet field and assured it would be as responsive as fast as secure as it can be.


  • Homepage Development:

    The specific element of homepage layout was made with the consideration of usability so that the website could be navigable and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Why Menal Partners Page Development:

    Hence, As such, this page was design with intention and purpose; its forms of content and graphics aim to elucidate the company’s position as one that can solve the problem of inefficient job searching.
  • How It Works Page Development:

    Created to give a sequential and easy to follow plan of outsourcing.
  • Build Your Team Page Development:

    Hence, This webpage was create with the aim of distinguishing the diverse outsourcing opportunities, the structure of the page is intuitive.
  • Learn Page Development:

    Created to offer learning materials only and has a simple layout.
  • About Us Page Development:

    Therefore, Designed for aesthetic qualities, combined with the necessary informational density, and without excessive clutter, as the focus was on the presentation of the company’s history.
Stage 5: Quality Assurance and Testing


After that, the development process of the website was follow by several tests to eliminate the bugs and to guarantee the stability and convenience of the site. The testing process included


  • Cross-Browser Testing: Therefore, Make sure the website is friendly for all the existing browsers.
  • Device Testing: Hence, Flouting the website on ‘browses’ ranging from desktops, tab and portable handheld devices like mobile phones.
  • Functionality Testing: Check to ensure all features in the page where correctly functioning.
  • SEO Testing: The analysis of the Website to make sure it was able to be indexed in the search engines in order to attract other people to visit without being refer to the Website.


Within such a short time, Device Doctor India turned the Menal Partners’ dream into reality with such style. The new website did not only provided solutions to all the facets of the requirement that the client was willing to invest in but also place the company, Menal Partners for better fit in the digital environment. It has started turning the corner on attracting more clients and inquiries because of a beautiful layout and, more importantly, the quality of the content and the planned functionality.

Additionally, In this respect, Menal Partners attest to having been satisfie with the final product that it receive. The company thanked Device Doctor India and the team for being extremely professional and punctual to fine details and delivering the project ahead of the promised time.

Web development for B2B services



Q1: How did Device Doctor India ensure the project was complete efficiently?

Ans- Device Doctor India used their appreciate knowledge and methodology to produce high-quality services and products in time; especially by the implementation of agile development approaches that keep anxiety and delay away.


Q2: What made the new website effective in attracting more clients for Menal Partners?

Ans-At the same time, making a website more user-friendly through being more ‘user-centred’, being SEO-compliant, producing quality content, and placing CTAs correctly meant that more visitors to the website were being converte into clients.


Q3: How did the case study section enhance the credibility of Menal Partners’ website?

Ans- Hence,The peculiarities of the type of activities rendered and ideas becoming apparent in the case study section increased confidence in the actual ability of the clients and the worth of outsourcing solutions offered.


Q4: What specific SEO strategies were implemente by Device Doctor India?
Ans-Further, target keywords for Device Doctor India were incorporate into the site as well as meta tags were include, the site was ensure to have a shorter loading time while an SEO test was done for the site


Q5: How does Device Doctor India plan to support Menal Partners’ ongoing growth?
Ans- Hence, the services of Device Doctor India intends to continue supporting, updating and helping the efficacy of this website for the cause of Menal Partners’ ever changing mission.