Client: VapeNube UK
Website URL:
Developed by: Device Doctor India




VapeNube UK, a prominent vaping company, enlisted Device Doctor India’s services with the goal of developing a user-friendly and highly functional e-commerce website that would support the company’s expansion and improvement of the shoppers’ experience. Hence, VapeNube UK needed a clean website design targeting mainly customer orientation, where customers can easily navigate through the products, read about the company and make purchases easily. They wanted a website that both encompassed their brand and would also be easy to navigate, safe for transactions and, in addition, responsive to mobile devices.

This case study aims at explaining how Device Doctor India, annexed as the best website development company, partnered with VapeNube UK to ascertain their requirements, analyze them, and identify the best approach to deliver a website solution that would add value to their businesses.


Client Overview: VapeNube UK


VapeNube UK is one of the leading vape shops online, with the main goal of providing customers with the best vaping services. Hence, The store offers every vaping product and gadget that a beginner or expert vaper needs to satisfy his or her vaping desires. VapeNube UK aims at offering whole vaping kits, pod systems, and other related accessories from the leading brands that focus on innovation and performance.


The Client’s Requirements


When VapeNube UK reached out to Device Doctor India, they had specific requirements for their e-commerce platform:


  1. Homepage with Key Features: The client wished to have a dynamic homepage that would draw the visitors’ attention to features such as the ‘Shop Now’ button, an easily conspicuous ‘Search’ bar and dedicated ‘About Us,’ ‘Products,’ and ‘Client Testimonials’ tabs. 
  2. User-Friendly Navigation: When it came to the layout, VapeNube UK insisted that the menu of the site had to be as simple as possible, with easy switching between different items and the shop and relevant information.
  3. Comprehensive Product Display: The website was to demonstrate the product portfolio of VapeNube UK and should enable customers to make selections with ease while making purchases. 
  4. Responsive Design: The client was specific   the need for a site that should have the user experience from the desktop end to the mobile end. 
  5. Search Functionality: A good search bar was imperative to enable customers to easily locate a certain product, given the many and diverse products VapeNcue UK had in stock. 
  6. Secure Shopping Experience: Therefore, For VapeNube UK, security was a major concern for their business. They required an effective means of payment to protect the identity of the customers in the process o

VapeNube UK website development

Understanding the Client’s Vision


We at Device Doctor India focus on client requirements, where all the developed websites have the flexibility to cover all the needs of the respective businesses. When VapeNube UK came to us, we first gathered as much information as we could about the company, their objectives and their target market.


Discovery Phase:


  1. Initial Consultation: In our first meeting with VapeNube UK, it was pertinent to know the company’s goals and expectations and the peculiarities of the website to be designed. Our team dedicated the time to sit down and listen to what they had to say, as well as grasp the very concept of their brand. 
  2. Market Research: In the highly competitive vaping industry, we set out to make VapeNube UK’s website unique. We studied competitors’ websites and selected the best practices to implement on our site. 
  3. Customer Journey Mapping: Hence, it was important to know how VapeNube UK’s customers engaged with the brand. Hence, We carry out the analysis of a customer journey as a way of understanding what the website design and functionality need to entail to meet the target clients.


The Development Process


Our technological team at Device Doctor India proceeded to create it with an understanding of what was require by VapeNube UK. Hence, This means that our strategy followed a systematic order to complete all the projects with the best efficiency.


  1. Design and wiring

We began by developing the prototypes or more specifically, what is refer to as the wire frame in the development process. The wireframes focused on the key elements requested by VapeNube UK.


  • Homepage Layout: Therefore, To maintain the look, we made the homepage clean and well-appealing with the ‘Shop Now’ button. The general layout was simple and well organized and included links to ‘About Us’, ‘Products’ and ‘Client Testimonials’ that offered visitors an immediate glimpse of what VapeNube UK provided. 
  • Menu and Navigation: It was made user-friendly with the aim of enabling the user to navigate through the shop, view the product categories and search for products easily. 
  • Product Display: Hence, This was in a bid to make the product pages as colorful and good-looking as possible, with excellent pictures and clear descriptions, to suit the needs of the customers in making good decisions regarding the products they wanted to purchase. 
  1. Development and Coding

After we had agreed on a design, our web development team set to work creating the website. What is more, we provided the site with new technologies to make the work of the site fast, effective, and secure.


  • Responsive Design: They use an approach that would allow the website to be easily viewed on all different devices, ranging from laptops to mobile phones. 
  • Search Functionality: A great search mechanism was designed on the site because the customer can easily look for products that he or she needs. 
  • E-commerce Integration: We incorporated a payment gateway that ensures customers can transact safely and hassle-free. The functionalities of the shopping cart and the checkout steps were design to be as nonintrusive as possible. 
  1. Testing and Quality Assurance

Before the website was launch, it underwent rigorous testing to ensure it met the highest standards of quality.


  • Usability Testing: Lastly, for usability testing, we did this to check if the website structure was easy to understand by the end users and whether all the buttons clicked as they should. 
  • Performance Testing: Stress testing was perform on the site to check on issues such as time to load, among other factors. 
  • Security Testing: We put up measures of security and ran numerous tests to make sure that the customer data would not be compromise during transactions.
  1. Launch and Post-Launch Support

Finally, after all the tests were carry out successfully, the website was deployed. Our involvement with VapeNube UK was limited to offering post-launch support that involved fixing minor problems that occur as well as making modifications that were deemed necessary after users complained. We also set up and provided training to their team so that they could handle the website on their own from then on.



Results and Impact


The new VapeNube UK website designed by Device Doctor India has helped the company improve its website and online customers’ experience. Key outcomes include:


  1. Increased Customer Engagement: This includes the effective engagement of the homepage, expounded by access to forms of navigation and search that are effective in engaging the customers. Hence, People are spending more of their time on the site, window shopping, and getting to know the company. 
  2. Improved Sales: hence, Online sales have been boost by smooth transitions, a strongly secure payment gateway and mobile optimization. Customers have the ability to shop anytime, anywhere, from any device of their preference. 
  3. Enhanced Brand Perception: Therefore, The well organized and professional look of the website design has helped to enhance the VapeNube UK brand and position them as market leaders in the vaping industry. 
  4. Positive Feedback: According to the end users of VapeNube UK, they have found the site more user-friendly and the information concerning the product diversity adequate.VapeNube UK website development



The integration between VapeNube UK and Device Doctor India has generated an elegant e-commerce website that is in harmony with the brand. By identifying clients’ needs, we were able to use our knowledge of being the top website development firm and fulfilling and even surpassing the clients’ expectations.

This success serves as proof of Device Doctor India’s ability to offer website development services that yield appropriate results for every given project. Therefore,  Any business that needs to improve its online visibility, would find the services of Device Doctor India as the most suitable website designer and web development company to help establish the internet image of their dreams.




Q- 1. What was the main goal of the VapeNube UK website development project?

Ans- It was to develop an efficient, reliable and more engaging interface for the UK-based e-commerce entity, i.e VapeNube UK, through which customers could effortlessly purchase electronic cigarettes and several related products.


Q- 2. How did Device Doctor India ensure that the website was mobile-friendly?

Ans- Device Doctor India adopted a responsive design strategy that enables the site to suit different gadgets, such as smart phones and tablets. This way, it ensures that users get a uniform experience throughout the company, regardless of which platform it is on.


Q- 3. What security measures were taken to protect customer data during transactions?

Ans- We implemented an SSL certificate for the payment gateway and did a security assessment for customers’ information. Security measures were also adopte in the form of encryption to guard the security of all transactions on the website.


Q- 4. How did the new website design impact VapeNube UK’s sales?

Ans-  Since the site was made more user-friendly through strategic placement of links for easy navigation and adequate representation of the products, this led to an improvement in online sales. Hence, This led to an improvement in customers’s ability to search for products and make purchases from these firms.


Q- 5. Why did VapeNube UK choose Device Doctor India for their website development project?

Ans- VapeNube UK selected Device Doctor India as we are counted among the best website development companies and the best website designers. Hence, Our specialization in developing unique, professional and targeted web solutions was perfectly in line with their expectations for a first-class e-commerce platform.