In the extremely competitive environment of e-commerce, Shopify product listings are frequently the very first touchpoints that your potential buyers are going to have with your brand. Preparing the right product listing is actually one of the most important tasks in the sales process, increasing visibility and the quality of the shopping experience. Nevertheless, the majority of Shopify store owners fall into certain misconceptions that are fatal for their sales and brand image. In this blog post, we will be discussing some common mistakes that people who sell on Shopify make on their product listings and how to fix them.


1. Ignoring SEO Best Practices


Why It Matters:

SEO is crucial because it is necessary to have the product displayed on the search engine result pages. As a result of poor SEO, some customers you want to reach with your products may not find them even when they are searching for similar products.


Common Mistakes:

  • Using generic titles: These include “Product 123,” which are not descriptive and do not contain customer search terms.
  • Skipping Meta Descriptions: Therefore, Meta descriptions are very important in search engine placement and must contain keywords and a commercially focused title.

How to Fix It:

  • Use descriptive titles: make use of the keyword and incorporate it in the title of the article. For example, in your case, it should not be presented as “Blue Shirt” while it should be “Men’s Blue Cotton Dress Shirt—Slim Fit.”
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions: The meta description must be inviting and contain the primary keywords so that the user clicks the link. For instance, “Check out our Men’s Blue Cotton Dress Shirt; it is stylish, has a slim fit, and is great for both formal and casual events.”

2. Poor Product Descriptions


Why It Matters: 

Product descriptions are your call to action to engage with the customer about your products and try to persuade them why it is in their best interest to buy your goods. This is particularly so since the reader of an ill-written description may make the wrong interpretation, leading to a loss of sales.


Common Mistakes:

  • Lack of Detail: Unclear information in relation to the attributes, advantages, or characteristics of the product that can be availed of from a particular company or from its retail store.
  • Ignoring Customer Pain Points: Therefore, The absence of answers to possible questions that might occur to the customers in the description.

How to Fix It:

  • Be Detailed and Informative: Hence, provide all details about the product, which include size, material, how to use the product, and the big selling points.
  • Focus on Benefits: Emphasize the fact as to how effectively the particular product addresses to a need or caters to a want. For instance, instead of having bullet-pointed lists of features, one can write about how those features help the user.

3. Low-Quality Product Images


Why It Matters: 

For most items, customers cannot feel the goods with their hands, hence the need to ensure that pictures are quality. A badly compressed image also creates an apprehensive feeling, and thus a customer has a lesser tendency to purchase the product.


Common Mistakes:

  • Blurry or Pixelated Images: Images that are of low quality can in fact degrade the looks of your products and this can make customers hold a different perception of them.
  • Limited Angles: These pictures give the customer only one impression of the product and this creates a gap in their mind regarding the looks of the product.

How to Fix It:

  • Use High-Resolution Images: Always check that all pictures are sharp, well-lit, in focus, and of the highest quality possible. It is recommended to look for a professional photographer or, in order to make the photos as clear as possible, use a good digital camera.
  • Include Multiple Angles: Take pictures from different perspectives and also use macro photography to offer the customers a closer look at the product.

4. Inconsistent Product Pricing


Why It Matters: 

The pricing policy is an important factor that seems to foster trust between a company and its clients by creating a harmonious flow of trading. Another way that forces the customer away is when the pricing strategy is inconsistent because it will only raise uncertainty in its place.


Common Mistakes:

  • Price Changes Without Updates: The last one is failing to update the price of the various listings in cases where some changes have been made.
  • Lack of pricing Transparency: little or no branding, flexibility in displaying prices; or other charges such as shipping and taxes.

How to Fix It:

  • Regularly Update Prices: Make sure that for every product listed here, the prices are well updated and any changes that have been made are well implemented.
  • Be transparent: It is important that the price of the product is shown, along with any other extra charges. Free shipping or the shipping cost should be incorporated into the price of the product to prevent a customer from being shocked by the amount he or she is supposed to pay during the checkout process.

5. Neglecting Product Variants


Why It Matters: 

Different   and sizes given to a product enable the consumer to make a decision on which product to purchase. Failure to list variants appropriately is another reason that some opportunities are lost.


Common Mistakes:

  • Not Listing All Variants: Omission of all the possible models, sizes, colors, or types that may be available on the market.
  • Confusing Variant Selection: Because of some poor organization or labeling, customers have a difficult time choosing their variant.

How to Fix It:

  • Include All Variants: Make sure all stock types are listed and well explained. For example, if you’re selling a shirt that comes in different colors and sizes, add each variation as a separate option and make the selection as simple as drop-down boxes.
  • Organize Clearly: Provide well-understandable options in the drop-down menu and we need to provide clear labels for the variants that are offer by the customer.


6. Overlooking Mobile Optimization


Why It Matters: 

Mobile commerce is also important since a substantial portion of customers make purchases via their portable devices. People visiting a non-optimized mobile site are more likely to bounce and definitely fail to make a purchase.


Common Mistakes:

  • Non-Responsive Design: Blogs on companies and product lists that are not responsive to touch screen devices may not be easy to navigate from a smartphone or a tablet.
  • Slow Loading Times: Slow loading of certain pages is very detrimental to mobile users and once again will lead to most customers abandoning the cart.

How to Fix It:

  • Ensure Mobile Responsiveness: Hence, We selected a responsive Shopify theme for a store and we would check product listings across the devices to ensure a proper layout is displayed.
  • Optimize Loading Times: Optimize images, reduce code, and leverage Shopify’s liquid to enhance page loading rates.

7. Inaccurate or Outdated Product Information


Why It Matters: 

Another key factor includes the provision of timely and credible product information, considering that information requirements form the basis of trust and customer satisfaction. Misinformation results in the product being returned, customers leaving a bad review, and ultimately, no more sales.


Common Mistakes:

  • Listing incorrect information: Hence, giving out misleading or incorrect information concerning the product’s features, stock, or price.
  • Failure to Update Stock Levels: Failure to update the stock on a frequent basis means that customers are likely to purchase products that are no longer in the business.

How to Fix It:

  • Regularly Review Listings: From time to time, check and modify product information, putting the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
  • Update Stock Levels: While using Shopify, ensure that it automatically updates the stock level so as to prevent cases of overselling the products.


8. Lack of Customer Reviews and Ratings


Why It Matters: 

This is important because customer reviews and ratings are measures of social proof and can sway customers quite a lot. The absence of a review often creates a negative impression about the product and makes it less credible.


Common Mistakes:

  • No Review Section: Having a poorly designed or non-existent review or rating system on your product pages.
  • Ignoring Customer Feedback: not acknowledging the customer’s comments, whether they are positive feedback or criticism.

How to Fix It:

  • Enable Reviews: Include a review system on the product pages by introducing Shopify apps such as Yotpo or Product Reviews.
  • Engage with Reviews: Engage customers with the comments made by them and assure them that feedback is appreciated and all issues are address.


9. Poorly Written Meta Tags


Why It Matters: 

Meta tags, including meta titles and descriptions, are a significant factor in the SEO procedure and the click-through rate. Hence, It is worth stressing that improperly composed meta tags can lower visibility and the number of visitors.


Common Mistakes:

  • Generic Meta Titles: Hence, Lack of good meta titles that are often the company or organization name or non-descriptive and do not contain the keywords being search for.
  • Uninspiring Meta Descriptions: Meta description writing that may be uninteresting and discourages the users from clicking on the listing.

How to Fix It:

  • Create descriptive meta titles: Products should have accurately and distinct meta titles so that they contain valuable keywords related to the specific product offer. For instance, “Stylish Leather Handbags—At a Premium, But We Offer Free Shipping.”
  • Write Compelling Meta Descriptions: Optimize the meta descriptions properly so that the consumers get a feel for what the page offers, with added emphasis on the benefits of the products and why they should click on the links.


10. Ignoring Product Availability and Shipping Information


Why It Matters: 

Customers receive specific information within the site regarding the availability of products as well as the shipping services offered, which eliminates cart abandonment.


Common Mistakes:

  • Unclear Availability: Eroding the concept or weak advertising by not clearly categorizing products based on their availability or by stating availability in rather ambiguous terms such as ‘coming soon’.
  • Lack of Shipping Details: Not offering clients shipped options, prices, or expected delivery times.

How to Fix It:

  • Specify Availability: Make a clear distinction between availability, and in case a product is out of stock, it would be good to make a basis for when one can expect the product again.
  • Detail Shipping Information: Ensure that you give all the shipping information on the product listing, such as price, method, and expected time of delivery.




Overseeing the Shopify product catalogs you hold can significantly contribute to improving sales and satisfying customers. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid the mistakes mentioned above and apply all the best practices that can make your product stand out in both search engines and buyers’ eyes. Each and every aspect, right from SEO compliance, good-quality images, and better information content to the website being mobile-friendly, is important.

Therefore, For all those who require help in improving the Shopify product listing, Device Doctor India is at your service. We are an established Shopify service company offering services for the creation and optimization of high-performing product listings to augment sales and customer satisfaction. Give us a call to learn how we can assist you in making the most of your Shopify store.




Q-1 How can I improve my Shopify product listings for better SEO?
Ans- Title tags and meta tags should have keywords, and the title tags should be descriptive, as should the descriptions of the product.


Q-2 Why are high-quality product images important?
Ans- Good pictures enable the customers to get the best view of the product and hence develop trust in the purchase.


Q-3 What should I include in my product descriptions?
Ans- Credibly incorporate information related to the product,  detailing the facilities it offers, aspects of the product, and the overall answer to many possible concerns a customer may have.


Q-4 How can I ensure my Shopify store is mobile-friendly?
Ans- Use a responsive Shopify theme and have fast loading times to make shopping easy on mobile gadgets.


Q-5 What are the benefits of customer reviews?

Ans- Customer reviews offer perceived approval from other consumers, thereby increasing the level of credibility and leading to purchase intentions and, therefore, good sales.