As a leading web development services provider in India, Device Doctor India offers outstanding web development services to promote business success in the digital landscape. Therefore, In this article, we would like to share our pleasure as a top web development company of having a recent project with Pallavi Kashyap and her start-up called Genius Child. It was possible to develop the Genius Child website,, points to our commitment of designing effective and functional digital products. This is the full description of a particular project, which will explain how this company was able to implement the vision that Pallavi had in mind when developing a website that would cause the intended organization to achieve its mission and goals.


Client Background


Client Name: Pallavi Kashyap
Website Name:

Business Overview: Genius Child is an innovative concept that aims at the development of the child’s psyche and psychological state. By using some tools, techniques, and consultations, Genius Child expects to give adequate support to both kids and their parents. Therefore, It focuses more on such approaches toward the mental health of kids and caregivers in a way that ensures that they are given helpful information and materials that can help improve their quality of life.

mental health web design

Client’s Initial Request


Pallavi Kashyap approached Device Doctor India with a clear and focus vision for the Genius Child website. Her primary objectives included:


1. Dynamic Homepage Form: 

The idea was to place on the homepage a big form that would attract users’ attention at once. The form was to comprise the slogan “Read, Rise, Represent” and an appealing slogan, Unleash the Genius in Your Child.

2. Consultation Booking Feature: 

One of the criteria was to incorporate an intuitive booking form through which the parents would be able to book the free consultation sessions. This feature had to be user-friendly and fast so that the audience does not face any problems while finding the accounts.

3. Resource Sections:

When it came to laying out the website, Pallavi wished for well-separated areas and clear-cut sections that would offer helpful resources, methods, and advice for children and parents’ emotional well-being. These resources had to be readily available and, as much as possible, provide sufficient knowledge.


Detailed Requirements and Objectives

To ensure the success of the project, we needed to address several specific requirements and objectives:

  • User Engagement:

It was crucial to impress the website visitors at first glance while they visited the website’s home page. The form and the call to action were both dynamic in this design and this made it easier to get the users to engage with the site.

  • Consultation accessibility:

That is why it was critical to offer a simple solution to parents to schedule consultations. As for this feature, it was require to be simple and blend well with other features of the website.

  • Informative Resources:

The resource sections require to be detail, easy to navigate, and useful in providing information and assistance regarding mental health. These sections had to be structure so that users can easily find what they are looking for and be able to get to it; some of the sub-sections develope are as follows:

mental health web design

Our Approach


  1. Understanding the client’s vision

The first process that was followed in the developmental process was to realize the conceptualization process of Pallavi Kashyap for the Genius Child website. This took some time and included talking with her, getting to know her so as to understand her goals and target group, as well as her design choices. Hence, To make sure that all the collages, icons, photographs, texts, and other features on the website correspond to Pallavi’s mission and relate to child mental health, we cooperated with her directly.


  1. Design Phase

After the consultations were held, it was time for our team to start with the design phase after getting some insights with the general public. This included:

  • Creating wireframes and mockups:

    The significant stages that occurred during the vs. design included creating an elaborate wireframe and mockup to show the physical appearance and operations of the website. Hence, these kinds of basic designs were shown to Pallavi for ideas to fix it and make it better. Wireframes specifically concerned several points of interest, including the homepage form, consultation booking system, as well as the resource sections.
  • Designing the Homepage:

    The first page had to be visually attractive and the site was designed with the aim of presenting humorous and informative content. Thus, The dynamic form was clearly utilize, using the motto of the company, “Read, Rise, Represent,” and the provocative “Unleash the Genius in Your Child. ” The design was deliberately provocative and interactive.
  • Developing Resource Sections:

    The resource sections were intended to be more informative, and not cluttered with too much information, and overwhelming organizational charts. Our major concentration was to ensure a neat environment so as to make end users achieve what they seek from the portal, which includes information about mental health tools, techniques and consultations.
  1. Development


Upon getting the nod in the approved design, our development team proceeded to create the Genius Child website. This phase included:


  • Building the Homepage:

    The homepage was designed based on a usability and functionality perspective, considering there would be much more content than homepages of other sites. The dynamic form was incorporate to guarantee that it was dynamic as well as the overall design. Signs that indicate that people were being incite to take action include use of the call-to-action button, which was place strategically.
  • Integrating the consultation booking feature:

    We also put up a convenient online calendar through which parents were able to book free consultations conveniently. Hence, The aspect of booking was intentionally made simple and easy to manage with well-illustrate instructions of how it works.
  • Creating Resource Sections:

    The resource sections were created to comprise top-quality and readily searchable data with regards to a given topic. Therefore, To achieve this, we made certain that these particular sections offered content in a well-ordered and easy-to-read format.
  1. Testing and Quality Assurance


We also had to perform cross-browser and cross-platform tests, as well as other tests that aimed at improving the general performance of the website before its launch. This included:

  • Functionality Testing: We performed some quick checks on the dynamic form, consultation booking and the different resource sections to check they were in order.
  • Performance Testing: This included determining the time taken to load the different pages as well as the efficiency in responding to the user input.
  • User Testing: When it came to fitting the site for the needs of the users, we had to perform some form of user testing.
  1. Launch and Post-Launch Support


Testing and quality assurance were done and after this, the website of the Genius Child was create. This post-launch support was an important aspect in order to look into aspects that need attention and further make alterations so as to maintain the level of functionality in the website. This entaile on the part of the developer a watching brief on the site to check for any emergent issues that would require changes to be made.
mental health web design

Results and Impact

The website has been well-received by both Pallavi Kashyap and her target audience. The key outcomes of the project include:

  • Enhanced User Engagement: The new dynamic homepage form and a clear call to action have been good in engaging the visitors. These design elements embody Pallavi’s vision because they attract user focus and make them engage with the design.
  • Streamlined Consultation Booking: With the added convenience of adding a booking panel to the web page, parents have the convenience of easily booking consultations. A feature that has received commendation is the simplicity of use as well as the effectiveness of this feature.
  • Accessible Resources: The resource section serves its purpose by presenting useful information in an organized manner. Therefore, It helps users identify the tools and techniques suitable for supporting the child’s mental health easily and fast.




Hence,  the Genius Child website shows that Device Doctor India is among the most talented firms in designing and developing websites. Pallavi Kashyap’s vision is a clear illustration of the commitment that we have towards the delivery of quality and results-focus solutions to our clients. Her mission to boost child mental health through improve methods is well support by the website.

Thus, we have to optimize the user engagement, consultation accessibility and informative resources that let us design the website meeting the needs of both Pallavi Kashyap as well as the audiences who visit it. This multi-faceted endeavor cannot be discuss without referencing the firm’s capacity to deliver compelling and successful applications of digital technologies intended to help clients achieve their objectives.

For more information about Genius Child, visit




Q-1. What was Genius Child offer by Device Doctor India?

Ans- Device Doctor India offered different web development solutions for website designing and web development of such websites as Genius Child. Hence, This entailed the design of a dynamic homepage form, the incorporation of a consultation booking section, and designing resource sections about child and parent wellbeing.


Q-2. How did Device Doctor India make sure that the website was design as per Pallavi Kashyap’s idea?

Ans- We made sure that all the elements of designs that Pallavi Kashyap wanted include in the site were include through consultations with the client, developing wire frames and mock-ups of the client’s site so that the client could view and give us feedback, after which we incorporate it in the subsequent designing phase. It also allowed guaranteeing that all goals and mission goals of the site were align with her.


Q-3. Why is Device Doctor India one of the top web development firms?

Ans- Device Doctor India is one of the leading Indian web development companies because of our standard quality and dedicated results. Web, software, and especially mobile application development are our strong sides, along with the focus on customers and our creativity.


Q-4. In which way is the consultation booking procedure practiced on the Genius Child website?

Ans-The ”consultation booking” option available on the Genius Child website enables the parents to schedule a free appointment with Pallavi Kashyap. Through an easy-to-fill online form that has features that enable the selection of a time of choice, the users can easily get the required expert advice.


Q-5. If it is so, is a parent able to find information related to child mental health on the Genius Child website?

Ans-Yes, the Genius Child website offers separate pages highlighting tools, techniques, and consulting services for children’s and parents’ mental issues. These resources have to be explain properly and made easily available because they are beneficial for users who want to improve their child’s mental state.