Keyword research is among the most vital elements of search engine optimization or commonly referred to as SEO. It is the process of establishing what particular words and phrases people type in the search engine to look for contents in relation to your business or area of specialization. 


Understanding Keyword Research

Keyword research can be basically defined as the identification and additionally examination of terms that people use with search engine. These terms, known as keywords, will give you a clue of the kind of topics as well as the kind of queries that your target market deems relevant. 

keyword research


Why Keyword Research is Important


  1. Improves SEO: It has to do with how relevant your content is to a particular keyword of search with regard to positioning on search engine.
  2. Understands User Intent: Facilitates you in knowing what your customers are looking for and you be in a position to provide it to them.
  3. Increases Traffic: A good keyword research brings better rankings into the search engine, hence increasing the inflow of traffic to a particular site.
  4. Enhances Content Strategy: It gives informations and its trends in certain topics that would assist you in strategizing and mapping out what to post.
  5. Boosts Conversions: Using the right keywords can be beneficial to the business in that it can lead to the right traffic that is likely to buy.keyword research

Steps to Conduct Keyword Research


  1. Identify Your Goals



Keyword research requires one to have goals in mind before they start to look for the keywords that are most appropriate to use. What is its goal, or purpose, of using SEO in your marketing campaign? Your objectives may be to enhance website visits, enhance the websites’ ranking or to create leads or to sell goods. 


  1. Brainstorm Seed Keywords



Seed keywords are primary keywords that depict your business or the particular subject matter of interest. Let’s begin with the list of headings that can be used for your products, services or your facet of trade. These seed keyword will act like the starting point for your keyword research.


For example, if your business involves digital marketing agency, your seed keywords will look like digital marketing, SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, PPC advertising and other related ones.


  1. Use Keyword Research Tools



You could find many more programs for keyword research that could help you to expand the list of seed keywords and the list of the related keywords. Here are some popular tools you can use:


  • Google Keyword Planner: It is a free resource within Google Ads that suggests keywords on what people are searching and how it might convert.
  • Ahrefs: An all in one SEO tool that has keyword suggestion, backlink checker and a competitor analysis tool.
  • SEMrush: Another highly used SEO tool that also comes with keyword research, site analysis and competitors’ tools incorporated in it.
  • Moz Keyword Explorer: An application that can be used to identify and shortlist worthy keywords to incorporate into the site.
  • Ubersuggest: Course: Keyword research tool, which can be used for free; it suggests keywords, search frequency, and competition level.
  • KeywordTool. io: Creates terms specific to Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and other related sites.


  1. Analyze Keyword Metrics



Once you have identified a list of so called keywords, it is essential to assess their relevance with the help of certain indicators. Key metrics to consider include:Key metrics to consider include:


  • Search Volume: The total number of time a given keyword is searched for within a given time frame of time. Keywords that have more density of searches are considered to be of more value as compared to the ones that have low searches.
  • Keyword Difficulty: A mean of assessing the level of competition existing when it comes to a given keyword. The same is related to the understanding that higher difficulty implies higher competition.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The average amount spend by the advertisers for each click on an advertisement appearing when that key term is clicked. 
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The number of people that after seeing the link will click on it. This simply means that the keyword corresponds to what users are looking for because people are clicking on it.


  1. Identify Long-Tail Keywords



They are keywords that are longer, often made of two or more terms and usually receive fewer searches than head keywords yet are more likely to attract a more targeted audience. The advantage of using the following keywords is that they are not so popular and bring exact viewers you need. For instance, while the keyword could be ‘digital marketing’ ; the specific niche could be ‘digital marketing services for small businesses.

6. Analyze Competitor Keywords


Learning the keywords that your competitors are bidding on frequently reveal important and previously unknown information and opportunities. Organize tools that free an estimate of the different keywords that are being used by the rivals and those they are ranking. This can help after research various keywords that you have not discovered and those your competitors have not discovered as well.

7. Organize and Prioritize Keywords


After you have compiled the list of your keywords, the next thing is to put into consideration the importance of the keywords, the frequency of their usage, and the level of competition. Organise your keywords into primary, secondary as well as long-tail keywords with an aid of a spreadsheet.

8. Create High-Quality Content

Opt for making content that will be interesting to the readers and addresses their questions.  Do not stuff your keywords because this results in poor SEO and does not make the website easy to use.

9. Keep an eye on, and modify your keywords.

Keyword research is a never-ending process. A keyword list should be updated with new keywords and checked frequently because the search patterns change with time. Try to find out about your competitor’s keyword frequency and update your keyword plan to counter act that.


Tools for Keyword Research

To conduct keyword research, you need to use the right tools on this venture To do this, the following tools should be used. Here are some of the best tools available for keyword research

1. Google Keyword Planner

Among free tools available, Google Keyword Planner is quite useful to find keywords and their potential performance. It offers volume, competition and cost per click information for the keywords which makes it a useful tool for the search and paid search engine optimization.


  1. Ahrefs



Ahrefs is one of the powerful SEO tools which has the function of keyword list, backlink analysis, and competitor analysis. SEMrush provides easy identification of new keywords and the possibility to analyze their parameters and connected words. Ahrefs also gives information on keyword competitiveness, search volume, as well as the click-through-rate.


  1. SEMrush



It features Keyword Magic Tool that enables the user to search for keywords, their statistics, and affiliated terms. Also, SEMrush shares data on the competitors’ keyword profile and their performance indicators as well.


  1. Moz Keyword Explorer



Keyword difficulties displayed in Moz Keyword Explorer will help you to find the best keywords for your site. It offers such features as search volume, keywords’ competitiveness, and CTR, as well as the suggestions and analysis of keywords. Moz also has the rest of the SEO tools such as site crawl and link juice.


  1. Ubersuggest



Ubersuggest is one of the free tools that offer keywords and their volumes and SEO complexities. It also gives information about the competitors, and the keywords they frequently use and their performance. Ubersuggest is quite simple and can be used by beginners as well as the advanced SEO experts.


  1. KeywordTool. Io



KeywordTool. io derives keyword suggestions from Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon and others. KeywordTool. io is quite helpful in discovering new keyword opportunities for extensive utilization.


Best Practices for Keyword Research


In the case of using Keywords for Search Engine Optimization, knowledge on the best practices for keyword research is paramount. To ensure your keyword research is effective, follow these best practices


  1. Focus on User Intent: Lower search volume with potential users and deliver the content that solves their problems.
  2. Target Long-Tail Keywords: These keywords are not as popular and since they are more focused they will enable you to generate quality traffic.
  3. Analyze Competitors: Check which keywords your competitors are aiming at and then work for something fresh.
  4. Regularly Update Your Keywords: Check the effectiveness of your keywords and adapt to them to enhance them with the new trends within the search engines.
  5. Use Multiple Tools: Every tool gives some unique information about the specific keywords, therefore it is recommended to use as many of them as possible.
  6. Create High-Quality Content: Stick to the creation of materials that offer solution or somehow benefit users and, consequently, contain the keywords that you are targeting.
  7. Optimize On-Page SEO: When creating the title and headings of your text, do a little research to find out the keywords that people are using most often to search for content, and be sure to use them; however, remember not to stuff your text full of keywords.
  8. Track Your Performance: Some of the tools to use include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and others that will help you track your keywords, traffic and conversions etc.



Keyword research is one of the critical SEO practices since they assist in developing an understanding of the target audience, the content to produce, and the site ranking on a search engine. 


Device Doctor India is one of the eminent web development companies based in India dealing into web development, app development and digital marketing. With our team of specialists you can get proper keyword research and apply the best SEO techniques in order to boost your website’s presence within the internetspace. Give us a call now to find out more of what we do and how we can service your needs in achieving business objectives.