From the perspective of the modern enterprise intending to succeed in the digital world, the challenge of  Increase website traffic and sales traffic and sales is one of the primary objectives. Such objectives are fully realized by companies like Device Doctor India that provides its clients with digital marketing, web development, app development, and software solutions. For that reason, in this guide, we are going to outline specific recommendations that different businesses can apply to improve their online presence and achieve better results in terms of sales.

Increase website traffic and sales

1. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines (SEO)


Keyword Research

Keyword research is critical in the conceptualization process of any good SEO strategy. Start with the questions your potential customers might enter into the search engine. Such SEO tools as GKP, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and others can help identify the keywords with high traffic but low competition. This is where you should include those keywords into your website naturally to boost your search engine standings.


On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO mainly focuses on SECONDS, optimizing certain pages on your site to get better rankings and more qualified visitors. This includes:


  • Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Make good and catchy titles and meta descriptions that incorporate your targeted keywords.
  • Headers: For organization, utilize the header tags (H1, H2, H3 and etc).
  • Alt Text for Images: Caption or give the description to the images to make it easier for the search engine spiders to apologize the content.


Technical SEO

Ensure your website is technically sound


  • Mobile-Friendly: Make sure that starting with your web design your site is optimized for use across all platforms and devices.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Pre processing of images, caching and minimizing of codes should be done in order to enhance the time taken to load a particular page.
  • Fix Broken Links: Doing this can improve the design in addition to the usability making it easier for the search engines to crawl through the site and boost it’s ranking, Here are the steps that should be followed while fixing broken links


Quality Content Creation

Original and unique content is quite important for SEO. Post often relevant, interesting, and helpful articles on your blog to keep your audience interested. Besides it affects the position of your company on search engine results it also lays a foundation of your authority in your niche market.

Increase website traffic and sales

2. Leverage Social Media Marketing


Choose the Right Platforms


Determine whether your intended target group is most active on the various social media platforms. For example, B2B firms may discover LinkedIn useful, while B2C stores can lean on Instagram and Facebook.


Engaging Content


Update your feed with a mix of content so that your audience does not get bored. This can include:

  • Promotional Content: Focus more on what you offer to your customers.
  • Educational Content: Promote tips, guides, recipes or anything related to the industry news.
  • User-Generated Content: Bring up content shared by your customers.


Interact with Your Audience


This involves; one should always reply to the comments/ messages from the followers blissfully. This creates brand awareness around your brand and leads to customer-brand identification which is a form of brand loyalty.


Paid Advertising


Use the paid options of social media advertising in order to expand your target demographics. Most of the social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram provide detailed targeting features where one can target clients based on their interests, behavior or even the age they are.


3. Utilize Email Marketing


Build a Strong Email List


Always include a sign up bar where the website visitors can subscribe to your newsletter in exchange for bonuses like discounts, free trials, and other. Halve the ebook download or website registration for a free webinar.


Personalized Email Campaigns


Make your email subscribers engaged by segmenting your list and sending targeted as well as relevant messages to the targets. To be precise, an e-mail received as a reply to the customer gets a much higher potential for being opened and clicked through rates than general commercial e-mails.


Valuable Content


Ensure that the material send out through the emails is informative, helpful and relevant for the topics that it discussed. It keeps your subscribers quite interested in the emails that they receive from you and knowing that you are going to be having various newsletters to send out it’s an added incentive to watch your mails.


A/B Testing


Experiment with elements of the emails you are sending including the subject line, the content of the emails and even the call to action buttons. It is useful to see which materials find a more receptive ear and how one can tweak the campaigns for better results.

Increase website traffic

4. Invest in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising


Google Ads


Google Ads enables one to develop specific ad campaigns which are likely to feature on search results pages. It is the best time to select the appropriate keywords as well as create catchy ads that bring the potential buyers to your website. Consider Is Ad Extensions and Remarketing to increase your ads performance.


Display Advertising


Web banners are visible on other sites; therefore, they have the potential to grab the attention of more users. These ads are especially useful for the elevator pitch of your site and improving the brand’s recognition.


Social Media Ads


Currently, social media platforms are an excellent way of advertising. These are good places to advertise because you can get specific with the audiences you’re appealing to, getting more views and, consequently, higher sales.


5. Content Marketing




It is also true to say that regular blogging is one of the best ways to increase your website traffic. Create content that is educative and interesting from your audience’s needs and wants’ perspective. Use rich keywords in your post to help SEO when sharing your posts.


Guest Blogging


Exchange your articles with other websites and blogs that focus on the same niche as you do. This way, one can appeal to the large number of readers of a particular blog and also establish back links to his own blog which increases the search engine ranking.


Video Marketing


Video content as an element is tremendously effective and distinctive insofar as sharing is concerned. The various kinds of videos are commercials that advertise your products, informative videos, or videos featuring satisfied customers. Upload your videos to YouTube or other related social networking sites so that the audience of your video can be large.




Infographic are visually predefined and simple presentation of information which can go viral. Design the graphics that will focus on specific trends, figures, or procedures in the sphere. Post it on your site and in the social networks to get more visitors.


6. Harness the Power of Influencer Marketing


Identify Relevant Influencers


Look for those people who have many followers and are active in the same field where your brand is engaged. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on identifying the opinion leaders with the values matched to the brand and the audience.


Collaborate with Influencers


Partner with influencers to share good content that increases awareness of your company and its products or services. Promoters can make posts, reviews, or unboxing videos to help customers reach your firm’s website hence increasing sales.


Track and Measure Results


Keeping an eye on the effectiveness of your influencer marketing campaigns. Google tools such as Google Analytics and insights of the social media platforms you use to check on the traffic, engagement and the conversion rates. Optimize the outcome to get the most out of the ROI or for the improvement of ROI.


7. Utilize Analytics and Data


Google Analytics


Google Analytics as a tool helps dramatically drive the traffic to the website and analyze it. It is useful in terms of recognizing from which location your visitors come, which pages they inspect, and how long they do it. This data shows you the areas that benefit from enhancement and the ones nonetheless insulated from effective alteration.



Heatmaps give an effective physical depiction of how the visitors use your website. Services such as Hotjar and Crazy Egg help to discover the areas users interact on and for how long. From the statistics above make adaptations to the design of the site and enhance the experience of the users.


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)


CRO is all about improving your website, so that percent of the people that will perform a particular action – be it making a purchase or filling a contact form – is higher. When endeavoring on your site, you should carry out A/B test with regards to what focuses change customers.

website traffic

8. Build a Strong Brand Identity


Consistent Branding

Make sure that logos, colors and typefaces are the same throughout the media list. Brand identity when used consistently aids in the recognition and the acceptance of branded products in the market.


Compelling Storytelling

Introduce your brand in such a manner which will be credible and leave a powerful narrative about your business. Introduce your business and or your service briefly, share your mission and values, and the story behind it. It is genuine and people respond to it on an emotional level, which helps to ease the relationship with the-brand under discussion.


Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customers’ recommendations and positive feedbacks which show that the product or your service has met the needs of the customers will also go a long way in increasing your credibility. Remind your customers to leave feedbacks on your website, Google and any social platform. Publication of these reviews on chosen website will help to gain customers trust and display them on website as well.



9. Leverage Local SEO


Google My Business

Here is how you can enhance your Google My Business profile to help with your local SEO: It is important that your business establishment’s name and address, telephone number, and operating hours are correct. As of this writing, few customers leave reviews on the Google My Business page directly.


Local Keywords

Use local keywords that you would want to appear in the copy of your website. For instance, if your business is a web development company in Mumbai, use keywords such as Web Development in Mumbai or Mumbai web developers since such terms make your business feature on the local search engine results.


Local Listings

Guarantee your enterprise is in appropriate classifieds and other online listings such as Yelp, Yellowpage, and Bing Places. This is beneficial for the consistent and accurate listings which helps in retaining the local SEO and increases the probability of the potential customers to be able to locate your business.


10. Offer Incentives and Promotions


Exclusive Discounts

Promote your website by including special offers that relate strictly to your website’s visitors. Promotions compel the visitor to make a purchase and understanding that the offered option is available for a limited time, motivates the visitor.


Loyalty Programs

Opt for the client base incentive plan to entice people to buy products from the business multiple times. Appeal to the customers and give them points, discount, or offer free products for their multi-consumption. Loyalty programs help the business attract its customers back and make them loyal.


Free Trials and Demos

For people who are in the business of selling software or services, advice them to give free trials or demo to the potential customer. There is evidence that letting customers touch and feel the products before making a decision to buy the item will go a long way in reducing default rates.




In short, raising the amount of website traffic and sales are considered important levers of success for business in the contemporary world. Folks who strive to gain an understanding of how their business may be promoted on the Internet, may find the strategies mentioned in this guide helpful to increase the companies’ popularity, attract more traffic and turn it into clientele. Device Doctor India focuses in the most competitive services on the internet such as digital marketing, website development and application development and software services for business growth. Give us a call today for more information on how we can assist in the attainment of your business objectives and hence increase your website traffic.