Client Overview

Client: ArivuPro
Industry: Ed-tech and Professional Education
Location: Bangalore, India
Website: ArivuPro Courses


Client Introduction

ArivuPro is an Ed-tech orgnization and academy situated in Bangalore which was started in the year 2015. Established with an aim to provide tutor classes for commerce and Accounting professional courses, ArivuPro has courses in for CA,CS,ACCA,CIMA (UK),CMA (USA) & CPA (USA).  Hence, Focusing on the quality education for their students, their curriculum answers to specific requirements of potential candidates. 



ArivuPro sai with the help of an Indian Based web Development and digital marketing firm namely Device Doctor India to come up with a contemporary website with an easy to use interface. Thus, the goals that were set in the frames of the project were to popularize ArivuPro online, to let people know about their courses, and to introduce user-friendly website. Additionally, The website was to consist of four key pages: Typically, the subheadings of such websites are Home, About us, Contact us, and Courses. About color selection, including only corporate colours to create a resemblance of the logo in ArivuPro was chosen by the electronics.

Ed-tech website development



  1. Brand Representation: Adding to the overall professional and highly knowledgeable nature of ArivuPro and the organization’s professionalism through the layout and usability of the website.
  2. User Experience: Hence, Designing an easy navigation for the target audience consisting of future students and partners.
  3. Responsive Design: Making sure the site is fully optimized for usage across all devices, whether they are mobile, tablet, or PC, and browsers.
  4. Content Management: Designing the architecture and structure of the website such that changes and updates can be made on the content instead of the entire page.
  5. SEO Integration: To bring in more traffic to the website and make it more easily accessible to the users, making changes to the website so that it is more easily indexed by the engines.




With regard to these challenges, Device Doctor India adopted a definite strategy that entailed the use of WordPress as the content management system of choice since it is very flexible and powerful. Additionally, Website development included several stages as follows in order to achieve professional work and result.


Step-by-Step Process


1. Discovery and Planning


Client Meetings

Consultative sessions with ArivuPro were scheduled to establish their idea, objective, and needs for the company’s new website. Additionally, This included opinions and views on impressions, operations and information to be passed to the clients.


Market Research

Full research of all the arising competitors and general standards of the industry were conducted. Hence, This was useful in identifying right practices and right facets that should be included in the newly designed website.


Project Plan

This was followed by the creation of a comprehensive project schedule showing the time frame, targets, and products. 


2. Design and Development


Visual Identity

Specifically for the design phase, the main criteria were to create a nice and professional layout of the website. This entailed choosing typography and imagery that was appropriate for ArivuPro brand while being appealing to the audience.


UI/UX Design


Responsive Development

The development team made the website to be friendly with devices and it easily changed with the size of the screen. 


SEO Integration

Therefore, I remember this entailing matters like increasing meta tags and headline Mango dot com images, utilization of clean urls, or perhaps other similar matters that I cannot recall well.


3. Content Integration


Content Collaboration

Maintained constant communication with ArivuPro while collecting content such as course descriptions, details about the faculties, students’ feedbacks, and photos. It was then assimilated into the format of the website.


Informative Content

All the content followed a logical structure with a focus on the usability for the reader, which avoided in-depth and boring appearance. Hence, Two of the categories contained information about the courses, what was taught, the duration of each course and the fees charged as well as the admission procedure.


Logical Organization

Data was organized in a manner that was accruable, that is, data was organized hierarchically to allow easy search. Most of the key sections were made prominent for spot-indexing and the information was made easily retrievable by the users.

Ed-tech website development

4. Testing and Quality Assurance


Thorough Testing

This comprised of functionality tests, usability tests and performance tests in order to evaluate how the website worked.


Performance Optimization

Optimization procedures for enhancing the fast and effective execution of the website were incorporated. Thus, Sites such as Google PageSpeed Insights were employed to quantify work done on various performance factors.


5. Launch and Support


Successful Launch

The developed website was effectively and successfully put up to cover the agreed upon time and make sure all the functions were working properly as well as the website was fully responsive.


Ongoing Support

After that, Device Doctor India established post-launch support and staff training services for ArivuPro’s employees. This meant they were offering on how to update content, control the CMS, and solve any technical problems.


Digital Marketing

This was done on matters concerning SEO, content marketing and the social media marketing for increased visibility.


Key Features of the New Website


Modern Design


  • Visual Appeal
    Hence, Layout and design of the website are minimal and sleek, which is suitable to the nature of the business and competence of ArivuPro. Quality of images and colors of objects are improved and there is proper coordination between all the colors that are used in the design.
  • Brand Consistency
    Brand identity is upheld throughout the design with the academy’s logo, colors and image being incorporated in the design.


User-Friendly Navigation


  • Intuitive Layout
    The organization of the website is logical, which assists the users in the navigation of the site. A limited amount of links, reasonable subdividing of the sections, and easily visible prompts facilitate the work with the site.
  • Clear Call-to-Actions
    The strategically placed call-to-action buttons compel the users to perform certain actions, for example, register for a course or to get the additional information about the academy.


Detailed Course Information


  • Comprehensive Details
    Every course is described along with its curriculum, its duration, the fees structure, and the details of the faculties. This helps potential students have all the details that they need so that they can make right decisions.
  • Engaging Content
    The use of high-quality images and videos also brings the presentation of the course information to another level inasmuch as the users are concerned.


Testimonials and Success Stories


  • Student Testimonials
    This is especially important in creating trust with the potential students in the outcomes of the educational program.
  • Industry Recognition
    Accreditations and achievements of ArivuPro are also marked on top making clear to all visitors that the academy is one of the best in the industry.

Ed-tech website development



The new website for ArivuPro was launched, and all the objectives that were set, were achieved. Key results include:


Enhanced Brand Image

The website creates a perfect image of the company and the kind of services it delivers in the field of education, thus the brand image of ArivuPro is boosted.


Improved User Experience

Due to simplicity and well-developed structure of a web site, a user flows is rather smooth, so one can easily get the information he is interested in, being a potential student.


Responsive Design

The responsivity of this website is well enhanced for it offers an unaltered and perfect view of the Website homepage regardless of the device used to access the page.


Increased Visibility

The incorporation of best practices for SEO has enhanced the ranking of the website on search engine resulting into high visibility to the potential students.



Finally, Device Doctor India incorporated a proper strategic plan and rich experience in website development to achieve the most favorable outcome in the work done for ArivuPro. The new website not only improves the academy’s visibility on the Internet but also helps them meet their objective of offering a single source of solution to the commerce professionals. 

Ed-tech website development



1. How did Device Doctor India ensure the website was user-friendly?

For Device Doctor India, the emphasis was made on such layout and navigation menus that would be easy to follow while call to action buttons were strategically placed. Testing was also carried out with the view of making the user experience seamless regardless of the device being used.


2. What technologies were used in developing the website?

This web was created using WordPress, which is free and exceptionally flexible Content Management System (CMS). Hence, This was made possible to enable flexibility, easy management of content, and the integration of good SEO enhancing techniques.


3. What support did Device Doctor India provide after the website launch?

Therefore, services of Device Doctor India included constant tailoring and training of ArivuPro’s human resources in terms of managing and updating the website. They also provided the services of digital marketing to help the company direct traffic and encourage interaction with the new site.


4. How does the new website support ArivuPro’s mission?

 The launch of a new Website offers a professional ground for ArivuPro to promote courses as well as the achievements of this educational center. Thus, based on its functionality and purpose