When approaching Device Doctor India MyIssues had a clear concept in mind, a working website that will convey to the public, and the clients, the purpose of the organization to support food/meal and/or financial needs of a family in a short period of time of need. Since MyIssues had no pre-existing internet image, it required the foundation upon which to fulfill the roles of communicating with donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Device Doctor India required a home page to be designed where it would displayed influential and easy to understand for the users.


Client Overview:


Client Website: MyIssues

MyIssues is a friendly organization that has the main goal of feeding as well as giving support to those in need of help due to certain transitory problems. Concentrating on those who are in a state that is slightly above the poverty line and who cannot qualify for most forms of standard welfare help. 

Charity website design

Client’s Mission: 


MyIssues’ mission is to:

  • Housing: Temporary homes for the poor; Food: Giving food to people who are in temporary problems concerning finances.
  • Help households that are at risk of becoming homeless to remain in their homes.
  • Reduce the load for city and federal agencies involved in serving the genuine poor population.
  • Keep people friendly and share the good things in the community.


Client Expectations: 


MyIssues approached Device Doctor India to develop a user-friendly website from scratch. The primary objectives were:

  • Develop an organization’s web identity to align with its stated goals and ideals.
  • State more generally what they do and how people can seek assistance.
  • Promote funds and volunteers.
  • Provide a smooth engagement environment to all users of the forum who are seeking help or desiring to offer help.


Project Overview: 


Specifically, the website developed by the partner company Device Doctor India includes Home, About Us, Services, Get Help, Donate, and Contact Us web pages. Specific objectives that were the core of the project included providing a clear message about MyIssues organization and the way people can engage with it.



  1. User Experience: Designing user-friendly platform for those in need of assistance and sources to find funds.
  2. Donation Integration: The challenge of establishing a safe and effective means for donating, accepted.
  3. Resource Accessibility: Providing effective plan to disseminate information that will be of help to those in need of it.
  4. Encouraging Volunteerism: Emphasizing on the ways through which people can participated or contribute to the cause.

Charity website design



  1. Empathetic Design: At Device Doctor India, the effort was made on bringing a design that emulates the care and support to persons. 
  2. Intuitive Navigation: Considering this, a step by step approach to finding information about services offered, how to get help and how to get involved was created.
  3. Donation Integration: A secure and efficient system of accepting donations was developed and enable with the help of which people can contribute to the site online.
  4. Clear Communication: Services, requirements, and how to get help were clearly stated on the site and clients will be able to locate information that would be beneficial to them.

Charity website design

Step-by-Step Process:


  1. Discovery and Planning
    • Client Meetings: Discussed with MyIssues to get familiar with their objectives, mission, and the particularities of using the website.
    • Research: Collected data from websites of similar organizations that would help in identifying the possible solutions to the problem in question.
    • Project Plan: Came up with a detailed project plan across the time-line, significant-stages, and requisite outcomes.
  2. Design and Development:
    • Visual Design: Finally, designed the format to be visually appealing to the audience while the website also aligns to MyIssues’ compassionate theme. made the website warm and inviting and used welcoming images and calming colours.
    • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: Introduced a simple and friendly engaging layout that will provide easy navigation for both the users in need of assistance and the donators.
    • Responsive Development: Created the site layout that is compliant with the principles of the responsive web design in order the web site to work in one mode both on the laptop and the mobile devices.
  3. Content Integration:
    • Content Collaboration: Cooperated with MyIssues to develop appealing and engaging content of the website as well as informative descriptions of services, criteria of patients’ inclusion, and ways of donation.
    • Visual Content: Embedded appropriate and high-quality images and videos that can create a connection with the target audience and demonstrate the achievements of MyIssues’ activity.
  4. Testing and Quality Assurance:
    • Thorough Testing: This referred to test of usability, functionality, and response time of the website.
    • Cross-Platform Testing: Made sure that website functionality is good on multiple browsers and multiple devices to provide equality for all.
  5. Launch and Support:
    • Successful Launch: Successfully started the website on time, this was in the agreed time frame.
    • Ongoing Support: Under the MyIssues company, received the training in how to update the website as well as how to manage it. Available to resolve any problems that may have arisen and to make needed modifications on a regular basis

Key Features of the New Website:


  1. Compassionate Design:
    • Furniture and color choice is very inviting.
    • Positive messages aimed at the target audience to maintain positive thoughts and having positive images of themselves.
  2. User-Friendly Navigation:
    • Clean navigation bar and menu which are easy to comprehend.
    • These include, Simple public access to service information and how to get help and Simple way of donating.
  3. Secure Donation System
    • Secure option of payment gateway for online donations.
    • The case being that payment should be accepted in as many ways as possible so that to suit the tastes of the different clients.
  4. Informative Content:

    • A more elaborate information concerning MyIssues’ services and the requirements for admission.
    • About informing clients about how to get assistance and what to expect.
  5. Volunteer Opportunities:
    • Overview of sections that have been emphasize to be having volunteer opportunities.
    • MyIssues’ mission and how one can be of assistance.



The goals of MyIssues’ client have been fully accomplished, and the new website was beneficial for the accomplishment of the client’s mission. Key results include:


  1. Enhanced Online Presence:


    • This way, the website provides the guests with an understanding of MyIssues’ mission and values and creates the groundwork for the organization’s online presence.
  2. Improved User Experience:


    • Naturally, customers can always freely surf the website, get the information about the services being offered and make donations straightforwardly.
  3. Increased Donations:


    • The secure and efficient way of donating has enhanced large contributions from the supporters.
  4. Greater Community Engagement:


    • Promoting the volunteer postitions has made more people to come forward and participate in what MyIssues was doing.
  5. Resource Accessibility:


    • About this we can easily locate the information we want or need as well as the assistance we seek.Charity website design



Q-1 What services does Device Doctor India offer?

Ans- Device Doctor India is a Digital Marketing Company having its expertise in building brands through digital media, designing business websites and developing business related websites. 


Q_2 How does Device Doctor India ensure a website aligns with my brand?

Ans-The preliminary steps include meetings with an aim of discovering what your brand is, what you hope to achieve, and what you like. Our design team then designs a personality of your brand so that it maps well with the digital touchpoints.


Q_3 What platforms do you use for web development?

Ans- For now, we use WordPress due to ease of its using and the flexibility but we are also familiar with Shopify, Magento and HTML/CSS. Our selection is based on your exact needs and the objectives of your company.


Q-4 How long does it take to develop a website?

Ans- Well, we are required to say that it depends on the plane and scope of web development.  We outline the time frame during the planning of the project.


Q-5 Can you help with SEO and digital marketing for my website?

Ans- Yes, to go with the services offered, Device Doctor India covers Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click, Social Media, and Content Marketing. Our team implements SEO recommendations at the stage of website development, so you will work with an optimized platform


Q-6 How do you handle website security?

Ans- Concerning website security, I have this to say: Website security ranks among the priorities of Device Doctor India. 


Q-7 Can you redesign my existing website?

Ans- Absolutely. We always provide website redesigning services that deals with the physical appearance, workability and productivity of your current site.