Client Overview


Client: The Hair and Makeup Academy
Industry: Beauty and Wellness
Location: Malviya Nagar, India
Website: The Hair and Makeup Academy – Malviya Nagar


Client Introduction


The Hair and Makeup Academy is a beauty and wellness academy established in the year 2009 with an aim to catering a finest education in the stream related to beauty. Therefore, Realising the emerging global trends and the increasing need for trained beauty professionals, the academy commenced its functioning in Bangalore, India thus catering to the lack of systems of skill education in the country. 




The main goal for Device Doctor India a leading web development and SEO company was to design and develop a sleek and easy to navigate website for T.H.M.A latest branch situated in Malviya Nagar area of Delhi. Hence, The academy’s website lacked an air of professionalism and did not offer sufficient information regarding their courses 




  1. Brand Representation: Guaranteeing that the traits and general appearance of the web site reflect the elite status of the academy.
  2. User Experience: Thus, Making a clear and easy to follow path through courses and information to interested students.
  3. Responsive Design: Creating an adaptive web design that also means the website layout is compatible with all existing devices.



Therefore, Above mentioned challenges were noted and Device Doctor India went into the project with definite strategies for each of them. Hence, In connection to this, to create the website, WordPress, a versatile and complex CMS was adopted to suit the academy. 

Step-by-Step Process


1. Discovery and Planning

  • Client Meetings: Hence, Among them, there are organizing meetings with the client with the purpose to determine his/her expectations, objectives, and expectation.
  • Market Research: Evaluated competitors’ activities and compared key aspects with industry trends and contemporary practices.


2. Design and Development

  • Visual Identity: Hence, Created a visually pleasing look and feel of the academy website that corresponds to the brand.
  • UI/UX Design: Specifically aimed at the design and usability of the interfaces that the users will interact with.
  • Responsive Development: Therefore, Using the WordPress platform more pages were created along with an aesthetic design that adhered to the website’s responsive design.
  • SEO Integration: Implanted most accepted SEO techniques to improve the website’s ranking in the search engine.


3. Content Integration

  • Content Collaboration: Worked with the client to source and input high quality content such as a description of the courses, graphics and course reviews.
  • Informative Content: Structured to be informative yet stimulating to reach out to the prospects, in this case, the students.
  • Logical Organization: Thus, Ascertained that availed information was systematically arranged, thereby allowing the user to easily identify information of interest to him or her.


4. Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Thorough Testing: Extensive testing was carried out on the application to determine any hitches that may have been there during the testing by users.
  • Performance Optimization: Verified whether the website was optimized or not, by employing tools such as the Google PageSpeed Insights.


5. Launch and Support

  • Successful Launch: Launched the website on time to meet the set time limit upon the agreement.
  • Ongoing Support: Supported and trained the academy’s personnel on how to handle and edit the website information if need be.
  • Digital Marketing: Provided digital marketing solutions for increased traffic and activity on the new website for the company.

Key Features of the New Website


Modern Design

  • Visual Appeal: It is thus apparent that the website has a stylish outlook in line with an academy’s reputation.
  • Brand Consistency: The element of colour including helmets, digital or print media, academy logos and imagery.


User-Friendly Navigation

  • Intuitive Layout: The website is easy to navigate with data well categorized, and this makes it easy to get the information that one is looking for.
  • Clear Call-to-Actions: Messages specifically call for inquiry and enrollment are placed at locations that are easily visible to the user.


Detailed Course Information

  • Comprehensive Details: Every course from the academy is described in details such as curriculum, duration, and fees that are charged for the courses.
  • Engaging Content: L’administration des images et vidéos de grande qualité met de plus en plus de couleurs à la présentation de l’information des cours ce qui rend l’information plus attirante à regarder pour les candidats.


Testimonials and Success Stories

  • Student Testimonials: One of the best sections of the website is the testimonials section where the academy displays former students’ success stories.
  • Industry Recognition: Publicity of the awards gotten and the acknowledgment of the academy by other institutions and companies in the country to market the academy as a brand.




 Key results include:


  • Improved User Experience: As for the accessibility of the given website, prospective students will not experience any difficulties in their search for detailed information concerning certain courses and services.
  • Responsive Design: Navigation of the website is very smooth and it is also fully responsive according to the devices.
  • Easy Content Management: WordPress as the CMS enables the academy staff to promptly modify and publish the website’s textual content without professional Web design knowledge.
  • Increased Visibility: The incorporation of the SEO best practices has enhanced the site’s SERPs thus enhancing the visibility of the LCFS to potential students.



Due to Device Doctor India’s brand compass and web development skills, the project with The Hair and Makeup Academy was marked as genuinely successful. The partnership highlights the company’s objective of providing prompt and efficient digital solutions as requested by Device Doctor India.




Q- 1. What done for Device Doctor India after the launch of the website?

Ans- Device Doctor India continued to offer their professional support and conduct training to the academy’s personnel to maintain and update the site. They also provided solutions for digital marketing with a view of increasing traffic to, and activity on the new site.


Q- 2. Specifically, what  done to make the website to be Search Engine Optimizable?

Ans- Hence, Optimisation was all the more included by the SEO professionalism in the website mainly contributed by Device Doctor India which optimised contents and meta tags and ensured that the website loads faster. This makes the website to rank high in the search engine results and to be easily found.


Q- 3. It comprised of which service digital marketing?

Ans- As for the promotion of its newly developed website, Device Doctor India provided the option of digital marketing that can increase traffic on the site. Hence, This comprised of Seo, Social media marketing, and Content marketing.


Q- 4. What measures taken by Device Doctor India to make sure that the created website is friendly to the users?

Ans- Device Doctor India aimed at developing appropriate positions of image and text, convenient structure, and deliberate location of call-to-action buttons. Therefore, They also first tested across different devices to come up with a great user experience across the devices.


Q- 5. How to solve it: They should also indicate the type of technology that was used in developing the website.

Ans- This decision was possible because of versatility, the simple logic of content management, and the possibility of successfully introducing SEO practices.