Graphic design profession has become critical to today’s growing world and almost all business sectors impliment it. Graphic design is present in everything from the symbols that define a company logo to the web site format and an application on the handheld device. In the latter case, for example, for Device Doctor India – a company providing digital marketing and web and app development services, it will be helpful to understand different Types of graphic design. Below is a brief breakdown of the different specialties of graphic design and how they work for your enterprise.

Types of graphic design

1. Visual Identity Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose


Graphic design of a visual identity implies graphics which concern the unique visuals of a company, including logos, color, typographies, and image templates. It is the external appearance of a brand and aids in the formation of the particular image of the brand that is easily recognizable by the targeted consumers.


Key Elements


  • Logos: Usually the foundation of brand image, logo is a unique mark that can symbolize the company or goods.
  • Color Palette: An assembly of the color that depict the personality and values of the brand.
  • Typography: Decision on which fonts are to be employed when expressing the brand.
  • Imagery: Pictures, illustrations, logos, and other visual items that usually accompany brand’s design.




Visual identity graphic design is used in:Visual identity graphic design is used in:


  • Branding and rebranding efforts
  • Business cards, letterheads, and other printed publicity associates with an organization or company.
  • Internet (web-site, social network accounts)
  • Packaging and product design


2. Marketing and Advertising Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose

Marketing and advertising graphic design deals with making images that are suggestive and would help in making sales. It consist of designs which are specifically used to capture attention, to pass across a message, and to even influence people.


Key Elements


  • Advertisements: Services under this category include designing of print ads, digital ads, billboards, and others.
  • Brochures and Flyers: Adverting that entails making use of materials that convey information in order to sell a product or a service.
  • Social Media Graphics: Facebook timeline cover, posts, banners, and ads for the social media platforms which include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Email Marketing Templates: An effective campaign design with colours that would be appealing on the mail interface.



Marketing and advertising graphic design is used in:Marketing and advertising graphic design is used in:


  • Digital marketing campaigns
  • Print advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing


3. How User Interface (UI) Graphic Design is Eco-logical


Definition and Purpose


There is no doubt that being a branch of graphic design, UI graphic design deals with the design of interfaces for software installations and applications, websites as well as mobile installations and applications. The desired outcome is to design interfaces that are easily understandable and beautiful, which fit the user’s need.


Key Elements

  • Layouts: Organizing information and items on a screen.
  • Buttons and Icons: They are those components which are interface based and steer users through the application.
  • Typography and Color Schemes: Letting the text be clear and finished of graphic design.
  • Imagery: Improve current highlights with regard to images and graphics that are relevant to the page.



UI graphic design is used in:UI graphic design is used in:


  • Website design
  • Mobile app design
  • Software and dashboard design
  • Interactive media


4. Publication Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose


Publication designing is the art of designing layout and graphics for the printed and online periodical works. This is the type of design that possibly refers to the way text and images are laid down so that they could be well artistic and easily understood by the reader.


Key Elements


  • Layouts: Some of the general tips include; Organization of the page to improve outcomes related to readability and content arrangement.
  • Imagery: Use of photographs and pictures, illustrations and graphics.
  • Covers and Spreads: Creating catchy front and featured pages Treatment.



Publication graphic design is used in:Publication graphic design is used in:


  • Magazines and newspapers
  • Books and eBooks
  • Newsletters and reports
  • Catalogs and brochures


5. Packaging Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose

Packaging graphic design is the subcategory of graphic design that deals with design specifically for covering products. It incorporates artistic appearance and functionality for products’ protection and attracting the clients.


Key Elements


  • Structural Design: The concept of the card and how its shape and structure should be.
  • Graphics: To design and come up with the attractive packaging.
  • Typography: Those that may include, but are not exhaustive include the following: Necessary product information in a clear and stylish manner.
  • Branding: Ascertaining that the packaging bears all the right images and other qualities of the brand.



Packaging graphic design is used in:Packaging graphic design is used in:


  • Consumer goods packaging
  • Food and beverage packaging
  • Cosmetics packaging
  • Electronics packaging


6. Motion Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose

It is a form of graphic design that entails making motion graphics for the intended media. The type of design that is offered here involves the making of static graphics with some form of animation and visual effects.


Key Elements


  • Animation: Animation: from still graphics to graphics in motion.
  • Visual Effects: Interacting with videos to include extra special effects.
  • Typography: Animated text that reoccupy such designs to give different presentations.
  • Storyboarding: Determining in what order in the animation that is being done.



Motion graphic design is used in:Motion graphic design is used in:


  • Video production
  • Film and television
  • Videos shared online and social media.
  • Advertising and marketing


7. Environmental Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose

The field of environmental graphic design therefore relates to the design of graphics intended to be applied on objects in physical spaces. It is a function of architecture, interior design, as well as graphic design that encompasses environment branding.


Key Elements

  • Signage: Design early graphic signs for way finding and information.
  • Wall Murals and Graphics: Improving environments and adding wraping graphics.
  • Exhibitions and Displays: Designing promotional/ marketing stands for occasions, fairs, and other exhibition centers.
  • Wayfinding Systems: Facilitating people in their passage through different places or their right to movement.




Environmental graphic design is used in:Environmental graphic design is used in:

Also, areas such as the retail outlets and the malls.


  • Corporate offices
  • Public spaces and parks
  • Museums and exhibitions


8. Art and illustration for graphics design


Definition and Purpose

Another Types of Graphic design is Graphic art and illustration indicating the process of designing as well as drawing or painting specific images intended to produce messages, narrations or aesthetically appealing images. It is practiced in many different ways and includes different procedures.


Key Elements

  • Hand-drawn Illustrations: It is easy for visitors to get one-of -a-kind graphics.
  • Digital Illustrations: How to develop illustrations with the help of electronic devices.
  • Iconography: Creaing new icons for different purposes.
  • Concept Art: The process of representing ideas and concepts in a form of a picture.




Art and illustration for graphic design is used in:Art and illustration for graphic design is used in:


  • Illustrations of magazine’s covers and book themes
  • Infographics and data visualization
  • Website and application specific graphics
  • Merchandise and apparel design


9. Information Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose

Infographics design or information graphic design is a special approach to design which deals with the presentation of information. The use of infographics is to simplify complex information and to also ensure that it becomes interesting to read.


Key Elements


  • Charts and Graphs: They are graphical illustration of data that sought to make it easier for the human brain to decode the numbers.
  • Diagrams: : Breaking down of the elaborate procedures and structures.
  • Maps: They are geographical representations of information.
  • Icons and Symbols: It leads to improvement of the level of clarity and understanding of the subject.



Information graphic design is used in:Information graphic design is used in:


  • Educational materials
  • Marketing and communication
  • Journalism and news reporting
  • Corporate presentations and reports


10. Typography Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose


Typography graphic design major concentration lies in the positioning of the text. It entails choosing fonts, sizes, and spacing and the alignment of different text that produce good looking and easy read texts.


Key Elements


  • Font Selection: Selection of proper fonts depending on the functional significance of the text.
  • Text Hierarchy: Anomalies of text organization in order to control the readers’ gaze.
  • Kerning and Leading: Increasing and decreasing of spaces in between characters and lines basically.
  • Alignment: The position of the text to ensure that it is orderly and pleasing to the eye of the people.



Typography graphic design is used in:


  • Branding and identity design
  • Editorial and publication design
  • Web and app design
  • Signage and wayfinding


11. Web Design


Definition and Purpose

Graphic design is a broad that deals with arts of creating designs to either the web,print or electronic media while web design is a branch of design that mainly concentrates on designing of website. It is a procedure that concerns the aesthetics of interfaces, logo design, and texts.


Key Elements

  • Layouts: The organization of webpages for better usability and User Interface design.
  • Graphics and Imagery: Another intended aim is the aesthetic value of the sites with a help of web PtP.
  • Typography and Color Schemes: Readable fonts, and the preservation of this brand identity.
  • Responsive Design: Mediating designs to run on multiple devices.



Web design is used in:


  • Corporate websites
  • E-commerce sites
  • Blogs and personal websites
  • Web applications


12. Product Graphic Design


Definition and Purpose


One more Types of graphic design is Product graphic design is specially related to designing images related to tangible commodities. This covers all aspects of the product such as the product’s appearance, the packaging it is in and even the commercials.


Key Elements


  • Product Appearance: Coordinating or developing the appearance or aesthetic of the product.
  • Packaging: Designing a packaging that can be multi tasking to be used again or at least to be visually appealing.
  • Instruction Manuals: Labeling that is clear and easy to understand.
  • Marketing Materials: Implementing the key findings to support product launches with visually attractive and appealing material.



Product graphic design is used in


  • Consumer electronics
  • Fashion and apparel
  • Household goods
  • Toys and games

Types of graphic design

How Graphic Design Enhances Your Business


Knowledge and incorporation of various classifications of the graphic design can improve your business significant. Here are some key benefits:Here are some key benefits:


  1. Brand Recognition and Consistency

This way the business acquires a unique and easily recognizable image on the market, which is believed to be an important aspect for a company’s success. Logo, color and typography consistently helps in maintaining the image and increases credibility to the target group.


  1. Effective Communication

Graphic design assists in the proper passing of messages. Whatever the case, good graphics such as those presented in an infographic, a brochure or a website can convey a lot of information in a short span of time.


  1. Enhanced User Experience

Good UI and web design enhances your digital products making it easier for users to locate what they are looking for. This contributes to the customers’ better satisfaction and participation.


  1. Increased Engagement and Conversions

Loud messages on bill boards, and eye-catching symbols at the back of vehicles influence decision making. Good graphics can enhance the interactions on the social media, the number of clicks and the conversion rates.


  1. Competitive Advantage

Graphic design serves as a communication tool in business, and in the midst of so many competing brands, it becomes easier to differentiate yourself through excellent graphic design. It helps to attract more customers and locate the company into the industry level as a professional one with distinct logos.



Graphic design is flexible and versatile when used in business it can create immense change. There are various classifications of graphic design and their uses that by mastering you will be in a position to build brand, communicate and ultimately improve user experience . For wholly which Device Doctor India, mastering up these diverse formatics of design can translate to heightened performance in digital marketing stratagem, Web site designing, and App designing. Hire good graphic designers to transform your brand and ensure that you meet business objectives.